MS OneDrive, an online service for file storage and syncing across devices, is used by many to backup and store files. For enterprise backup and syncing, organizations rely on local or remotely...

MS OneDrive, an online service for file storage and syncing across devices, is used by many to backup and store files. For enterprise backup and syncing, organizations rely on local or remotely managed systems to secure their intellectual property. However, for simple backup of data PowerShell Automation can be used to trigger file transfers periodically. This assignment will exercise the use of PowerShell, designing a script that will copy files from one server to another, and setting it to run on a defined schedule.

PowerShell Setup

Check version of PowerShell usingGet-Hostor$PSVersionTable(should display 4.0)

Check the ability to run scripts usingGet-ExecutionPolicy(should be RemoteSigned). If not correct run command:Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Use the "Benchmark Security Automation with PowerShell" file and conduct online research to create a script to transfer files from one member server to another following these settings:

Member Server (source): create the folder C:\ITT430-Files

Transfer Server (destination): create the folder C:\ITT430-Storage… share this folder in your domain

Schedule the task to run every hour

Create an automated script that disables Active Directory users that have not logged on in 45 days.

Paste both working, full scripts into a single MS Word document and submit as directed.

                   Security Automation With PowerShell

Creating a PowerShell Script

In this exercise, you will create script by declaring parameters (like declaring variables in programming) and using the Copy-Item cmdlet



use: review



use: review

In Windows Server 2012, place the following contents into a text file (or use MS PowerShell IDE) to create and save the script as ITT430Copy.ps1 file. Save it and note the location.





Copy-Item -Path $computerName -Destination $filePath -Recurse

Creating a Scheduled Task to Automate the Script

In Windows Server 2012 R2, open MS PowerShell IDE

Perform the following commands:

Define the Scheduled Task

$Action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -Argument “-NonInteractive -NoLogo -NoProfile -File C:\ ITT430Copy.ps1 -SourcePath C:\ITT430-Files* -DestinationPath \\ITT430-SV1\ITT430-Storage"

Set Schedule Trigger (time to execute)

$Trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Once -At '12AM' -RepetitionInterval (New-TimeSpan -minutes 15) -RepetitionDuration (New-Timespan -hour 1000)

Place Scheduled Task and Trigger into memory

$Task = New-ScheduledTask -Action $Action -Trigger $Trigger -Settings (New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet)

Register the Scheduled Task into System Scheduler

$Task | Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName 'File Transfer AutoSync' -User 'DomainAdmin' -Password 'password'


May 18, 2022

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