MPH health Personal Strategic Plan instructions and grading rubric. Your Personal Strategic Plan must include the following components. Points are assigned based upon the effort, completeness, and...

MPH health

Personal Strategic Plan instructions and grading rubric.

    Your Personal Strategic Plan must include the following components. Points are assigned based upon the effort, completeness, and accuracy/correctness of each section:
        Initiate and agree on a "Startigic planning"  for John M. Bryson

                                                               i.      Stakeholder analysis

        Identify career ( health education) /life mandates
        Clarify career of ( health education) /life mission and values
        SWOC/T assessment of internal and external environments
        Identify at least 5 strategic issues facing your career (health education) /life
        Formulate at least 2 strategies to manage each of these strategic issues.
        Review and adopt the strategic plan or plans
        Establish an effective career/life vision
        Develop an effective implementation process

Reassess strategies (2.5 points

Oct 07, 2019

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