MMA710S Multimedia Applications
Tute-lab Exercise
The weekly tutorial/lab exercises contribute to the total marks for the unit. To obtain the FULL MARKS you must have completed theshadedcomponents of the worksheet BY THE END OF THE SESSION and the remainder BEFORE the next session. It will be YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to make sure that your tutor signs you off for the compulsory component by the end of the class session and the rest by no later than the following week’s session.
The instructions given in the lab exercises are quite detailed, and at times it may be easy to miss vital steps in the process being carried out if you do not read the instructions carefully. To help you the following bullet-points will be used throughout these exercises:
8indicates an action that needs to be carried out on the computer
!indicates an action that needs to be carried out using pen and paper or word processor
&indicates that this section of the sheet is providing information, with no task to be carried out other than perhaps reading
To understand issues associated with digital images.
To become familiar with the user interface of Paint Shop Pro
To gain skills in image manipulation
Tutorial Exercise
!Summarise your reading of Chapters 1 in about 250 words, concentrating on the main points. The summary must be in your own (not to be copied directly from the textbook or lecture notes.)
&Read chapter 3 of the text book, especially the sections associated with:
oRaster images (bitmaps) & vector images
oImage file types
oStoryboarding – Page 183
Search the Internet to find the answer to the following question:
!Why is the PNG format now used in preference over the GIF format and what is the difference between the two formats?
!What is a storyboard?
!What is a concept map?
You may discuss the above with your friend but each student has to write their own answers – no copying!
Laboratory Exercise
Paintshop Pro XI
is an image manipulation package not unlike Photoshop. Image manipulation is a skill that is highly regarded in the world of Multimedia and the next three weeks of this Teaching Period we will have a look at some of the most commonly used functions.
To begin with familiarize yourself with what the software is capable of doing -
8Double-click the PaintShop Pro icon on your desktop to start the program. Close the
Learning Centeron the L.H.S. if it’s displayed at this stage. You may use it once you are more familiar with this software. Using the Help function of the program answer the following questions:
!What can you do with the Tool Palette?
!What do you use the Tool Options Palette for?
!What can you do with the Materials Palette?
!What is the Layers Palette used for?
!On the Menu bar, what function do you use to rotate an image?
!On the Menu bar, what function do you use to crop an image?
!On the Menu bar, what function do you use to resize an image?
!What tool do you use to make a selection?
!What does “feathering” do to a selection?
!How many different ways are there to make a selection?
!Name 2 different settings you can apply to the Paint Brush.
!What is the difference between “image mapping” and “image slicing”?
!What is a photo collage?
8Create a new folder (Week 2) in your MMA710S folder. Download from Moodle, and extract the files into your Week 2 folder.
8Open the sample image
!What is the
sizeof this image? Look at the bottom of the main window for the answer.
8We begin with
resizingthe image. Resizing images is something you will want to do frequently when working in multimedia. Click on
Resizeand set the dimensions to
640 x 480 (be very careful to set the image to 640 x 480
, not 640 x 480
of its original size, or you will create an extremely large image!).
!Why would you use Resize and not Canvas Size?
8Locate the
Toolon the
Paletteand make the “Selection type” dropdown menu on the
Palettevisible (if you don’t know where to find it use Help!).
8Select Rectangle and make sure the
Options Paletteshows 0 under “Feather”.
8Place your
cursorsomewhere in the
lefthand of the image and drag a
rectangleshape across the peppers. You will see a vibrating box called a “marquee” around the selection you made.
&When you work with selected areas, any visual changes you make will only apply to the area insidethe marquee.
&Give it a try…
8Copythis selection to the
Clipboard, then
Imageto see the result of your selection.
8Click on the original image and right-click outside the marquee – this should “deselect” the area.
Star2from the
Tool Options Paletteand repeat what you did with the rectangle shape.; an example of what we are after is shown below. If you don’t get it right the first time, simply
right-clickthe mouse and try again.
8When you are happy with your selection, copy (shortcut =
ctrl-c) and
Paste as New Image(shortcut =
&Did you get something like the image below? If not, try again.
squaresyou see in the background indicate the
transparencyof the background – this will not be visible in the final image. You will learn how to save an image with transparency in a later lab. For now, we will get rid of the transparency by selecting
Layers | Merge | Merge All.
8Go back to the original image and redo the last selection but this time set
30. Repeat as for the first star marquee and finish with the merging of layers – notice the different result achieved simply by “feathering” the edges! This is one of the ways in which “soft focus” is achieved in digital image manipulation.
8Save both images as jpeg files for later showing to your tutor. Use filenames
0and the
toolback to
Rectanglebefore continuing with the next exercise.
8Download this tute-lab sheet from Blackboard and open it to see what the image should look like in colour.
qOpen the file
Water Lilies.jpg.
qClick on the
tool(use Help if you have forgotten where it is on the Tool Palette) and try and
the grapeswithout altering any of the settings of this tool. What was the result? How many grapes did you manage to select?
qWhat is the setting for the tolerance of this tool and what does “tolerance” mean?
qDeselectthe selection by either right-clicking the mouse outside the selected area, selecting Select None from the Selections Menu or by pressing Ctrl-D
!Now, change the tolerance value of the Magic Wand to 50 and select the same lily pad again. Why is this better?
addto this selection, hold down the
Shiftkey and click on other lily pads. You should see something like this:
8Let’s change the look of the image – we will alter its
hueby selecting
Adjustfrom the Menu bar then
8Set the
40, click
observethe result.
8Let’s forget about this change and go back to before we applied the hue. You are probably used to using
Undoto undo manipulations of any kind, but in this program we will have a look at undoing what we did via the
Historyfunction. Check your workspace to make sure the History Palette is visible (should be somewhere near the right-hand bottom of your screen). If you cannot see it, open it by clicking on View | Palettes | History. To make it more visible click on the Restore Palette icon in the top right-hand corner of the Palette window.
Colourisebyclicking on the
icon- what happened?
addingto your selection of lily pads until only the flowers are left unselected. Then click on
Selectionsin the Menu bar and
8By selecting Invert,what was NOT selected has now become selected. As the
focusis now
flowerswe will keep the changes we are going to make.
8Again, select
Colouriseand this time set the Hue to
!If your selection went well, only the flowers will have undergone a change and the image should now look a bit like this:
We didn’t say anything about looking good!
ShopProhas a “native file
format” meaning that it can save all the work you do in a format that will allow you to revisit what you have done at a later stage. This format is called
.pspimage. For the time being keep this in mind. For now we just want to save this as a JPEG file but with a different name.
8Give the file the name “water_lilies_2” (without the quote marks!).
We will
colourthe lilies
again, but this time we will be
oSelect the
Wandagain, change Tolerance to 3 and make a few selections in the light and midrange green of the leaves.
Similarfrom the
Menuoption on the menubar
oSet the parameters similar to what you see on the right – you may have to play with the Tolerance to get the selection right!
oWhen you are happy with your selection press
selectionby using
Inverseon the
oNow for the colouring – you will be using a more natural colouring technique created with the
Changertool (in the same spot as the Flood Fill tool)
oSelect the
tool, choose an
orangecolour in the
Paletteand click anywhere in the flower selection. Keep colouring until you have a reasonable effect)
colourin the Materials Palette to
Cyan(blue/green) and observe what happens.
oYou should now have something like this:
§Easy and fast!
oSave your work as
oTry a few other colours in the Materials palette to see how easy it is to change the look and feel of an image via the use of this simple tool.
8Last bit of fun – make sure NOTHING is selected (shortcut ctrl-d). Now click on
Curl. Play around with the settings until you see something you like.
You will find that the selection tools are the most frequently used tools in image manipulation. The more familiar you are with how they work, the better the end result of your manipulations will be!
This exercise was designed to introduce you to Paint Shop Pro. Obviously we will not be able to cover all aspects of image manipulation in the 3 weeks set aside for it. However you will be exposed to the fundamentals of IM and hopefully that will spur you on to further research in this area.
Make sure you upload your compulsory section BEFORE leaving the lab! If you have any problems let your tutor/lecturer know…