MIS 6313 Retail Analysis Dashboard 1 Individual Assignment #3 – Retail Analysis Dashboard Overview: Each student will use Tableau to build an executive-level dashboard to track key metrics for a...

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MIS 6313 Retail Analysis Dashboard 1 Individual Assignment #3 – Retail Analysis Dashboard Overview: Each student will use Tableau to build an executive-level dashboard to track key metrics for a division, sales region, or country. You may use some of the sheets you created to answer the questions in assignment 2. However, the assignment 3 dashboard should include new visualizations looking at one of these four areas: 1. Sales Team – The Sales Team table contains information about the sales team and ties salespeople to regions. This information allows you to analyze revenue, profit, discount level, and returns per salesperson. 2. Shipping – The Orders table includes both an order date and a ship date so that time-to- ship can be calculated. The Orders table also contains shipping cost, order priority, and ship mode that can be used for analysis. 3. Returns – The Returns table identifies orders that were returned. This information can then be tied to salespeople, customers, products, regions, etc., and can be used to analyze the impact of returns on the company's performance. For this analysis, you can assume the company provided a full refund for all returned orders. 4. Sales Regions – The Sales Region information in the Sales Team table can be used to analyze sales within a region, including countries, products, and customers that performed well or performed poorly within each region. The best dashboards will contain new visualizations designed to analyze one of these topics and allow users to explore the data to derive new insights. They will be designed with a user in mind and attempt to answer key questions for that user. For example, a dashboard could be designed for the Chief Revenue Officer to evaluate past sales per region, country, and customer so the CRO can plan new sales initiatives to capitalize on areas of success and address areas of weakness. Or, a dashboard could be designed for the shipping department's leadership team to analyze shipping costs, order priority, time-to-ship, and profitability on a city, country, and regional basis. You may limit the data analyzed in the dashboard to one country, region, or market segment if the resulting dashboard displays information the retail company's management team should be monitoring. The grading rubric on the next page defines the expectations for the dashboard portion of this assignment. Please review it carefully and let me know if you have any questions about the assignment. Your dashboard must be uploaded to your Tableau Public site by 11:59 PM Central Time on Saturday, July 16. MIS 6313 Retail Analysis Dashboard 2 Tableau Dashboard Grading Rubric Overall Design and User Experience Weight Design: Does the dashboard make the most important data easy to find and understand? How well are labels, text, and color used to highlight important elements/data points? 15 Excellent Dashboard is logically constructed; important data and tends are easy to identify; it only takes the user a few seconds to understand, at a high level, the data being presented Good Dashboard is logically constructed; important data and trends can be identified; some analysis is required to understand, at a high level, the data being presented Acceptable Dashboard is not logically constructed; important data and tends are not easily identified; significant analysis is required to understand, at a high level, the data being presented Needs Improvement Dashboard is not logically constructed; important data and trends cannot be identified Experience: How well do the selected visualizations represent the data? 15 Excellent Visualizations (graphs, tables, maps, etc) present the data in an easy-to-understand manner; the visualizations are easy to read and understand; important data points are visible and obvious Good Visualizations match the type of data presented; the visualizations are not difficult to read and understand; important data points are visible Acceptable Visualizations match the type of data presented; the visualizations are difficult to read and understand; important data points are not visible Needs Improvement Visualizations do not match the type of data presented or obscure important data points/trends Data Analysis and Display Weight Data: Does the dashboard provide enough detail to answer a key question or provide a key insight? 15 Excellent Provides enough detail to answer a key question and allows users to derive meaningful insights; key insights are obvious and easy to identify Good Provides enough detail to answer a key question or allows users to derive meaningful insights; some investigation/analysis required to derive the key insights Acceptable Provides enough detail to derive some insights from the data; investigation/analysis required to derive any insights Needs Improvement Does not provide enough detail to answer key questions or allow users to derive meaningful insights Trends and Interactions: Does the dashboard show trends or compare relevant datasets to show interactions? 15 Excellent Data sets are additive, thus enhancing the user's understanding of the information; no key data sets are missing Good Data sets are additive, thus enhancing the user's understanding of the information; some questions are left unanswered due to the lack of additional data sets Acceptable Data sets are related but do not enhance the user's understanding of the information; some questions are left unanswered due to the lack of additional data sets Needs Improvement Data sets are not related MIS 6313 Retail Analysis Dashboard 3 MIS 6313 Retail Analysis Dashboard 4 Data Exploration and Filtering Weight Exploration: Are data sources correlated and linked to allow meaningful filtering/data exploration? 15 Excellent Data sources are properly linked so data can be sorted/displayed on common elements (such as dates); visualizations use common filters when filtering on information shared between data sets Good Data sources are properly linked so data can be sorted/displayed on common elements; some visualizations use different filters when filtering on information shared between data sets Acceptable Data sources are properly linked so data can be sorted/displayed on common elements; all visualizations use different filters even when filtering on information shared between data sets Needs Improvement Data sources are not linked Filtering: Are filters well designed for the type of data being filtered? Does the dashboard allow highlighting and click-to- filter options? 15 Excellent Visualizations are linked so filters applied to one element impact others where appropriate; some visualizations allow highlighting and click-to-filter options that impact other dashboard elements; filters are easy to understand and apply Good Visualizations are linked so filters applied to one element impact others where appropriate; some visualizations allow click-to-filter options that impact other dashboard elements; some filters are confusing/hard to apply Acceptable Visualizations are not linked so filters applied to one element does not impact the others; no click-to- filter options are available; filters are confusing/hard to apply Needs Improvement Filters do not help the user explore the data or dashboard does not allow filtering Unique Insights Weight Insights: Dashboards should provide information that cannot simply be derived by plotting a set of data. You did not properly leverage Tableau if the same information can be displayed in Excel. 10 Excellent Leveraged Tableau to provide the user with a powerful and easy to understand dashboard; dashboard allows users to derive insights that could not be identified with a simple graphing solution; used multiple, related data sources to provide unique insights that could not be derived by any single data source Good Leveraged Tableau to provide the user with a powerful and easy to understand dashboard; dashboard allows users to derive insights that cannot be identified with a simple graphing solution Acceptable Dashboard allows users to derive insights that could not be easily analyzed or identified using Excel or a similar solution Needs Improvement Dashboard displays information that could have been provided using Excel or a similar solution
Answered Same DayJul 20, 2022

Answer To: MIS 6313 Retail Analysis Dashboard 1 Individual Assignment #3 – Retail Analysis Dashboard Overview:...

Anjali answered on Jul 21 2022
79 Votes
Visualization for super store sales data of US
Analysing profit by segement region and country
alyzing profit and discount by region and state
Analyzing profit by state

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