Milestone 2: There Can Be Only One!
The Milestone Project will allow students to test how well they've absorbed the concepts discussed. The project is a text-based game that begins with the basic components. This game will select the winner based on a point system using loops and conditionals.
Getting Started
The premise of the game is a play on the concept of Rock, Paper, Scissors (or Rochambeau - depending on where you're from). Your script will select a pirate from a list for the player and another to serve as an opponent.
Next, one of the 3 available 'attacks' will be chosen for each character and compared to determine a winner. Since we're dealing with Pirates, we will use Dodge, Parry, Thrust instead of the traditional Paper, Rock, Scissors
So instead of: Paper beats Rock > Rock beats Scissors > Scissors beat Paper
We'll use: Dodge beats Parry > Parry beats Thrust > Thrust beats Dodge
You will have to construct a conditional statement that will compare one attack against the other and decide who wins the attack. Continuing, we are looking to make sure that the script will now allow the 'game' to continue until one character has won at least 3 rounds.
For Milestone 2, you will need to complete the following tasks:
Objectives |
Add the conditional to determine the winner. |
A Loop should be added to ensure that the game continues until either the player or opponent scores at least 3 points |
Add a scoring system to record 1 point for each 'win' scored by either the player or the opponent |
Print the winner's name. |
Milestone and Activities submitted through FSO with proper naming and format. |
Activities 1 -3 must run correctly to receive full credit.