Answer To: Microsoft Word - Assessment 3 Assessment Information Subject Code: BUS605 Subject Name: Business...
Mohd answered on Jun 13 2021
Uber, a ridesharing service company, has recently entered the Nepalese market, and its service has been received by some people. Each time Uber extends to another country, the application's UX must be adjusted to address the issues of neighborhood clients, while holding the vibe of the brand. Configuration must be steady no matter how you look at it, so the client could distinguish the brand and a big motivator for it. In any case, it likewise needed to permit varieties that would cause the brand to feel neighborhood and make the application simple to utilize. We are given the data set and we are interested in making a model based on the hypothesis given by the researcher. There are five hypotheses given by the researcher.
Model design:
There are some factors which make users adopt the uber services. The social exchange theory forms the basis of the study. The researcher created the research model and developed some hypotheses H1 to H5. The data set is collected from some Uber riders in Nepal with respect to the research design.
The hypotheses are given as follows:
Consumer need for prestige has a positive effect on riders’ continuous usage intentions.
Trust has a positive effect on riders’ continuous usage intentions.
Customer return investment has a positive effect on riders’ continuous usage intentions.
Convenience has a positive effect on riders’ continuous usage intentions.
Search benefit has a positive effect on riders’ continuous usage intentions.
Data cleaning: This is the most useful and important task to do any kind of analysis. Since, any data set contains the missing values and the outliers in it. First we have built histograms of variables, with the help of histogram we can easily detect outliers, then we generate standardized values of that variable and order them in descending order. In this scenario we have fewer outliers or missing variables so we simply remove the whole observation from the dataset. With the use of the SPSS software the missing values rows are removed from the data set.
Demographic analysis: The demographic analysis is based on the gender of the customer, education level, age etc. In this data set, there are three major demographic variables in the dataset : gender, age, education level and average usage of the services. We have run frequency distribution of all variables. In this scenario we have three categorical variables, so we have chosen crosstab analysis. We will analyze these variables with the help of some plots. As we can see from the appendix exploratory analysis section, 360 respondents are from the age category 18-27.
We have run some tests to check the normality of variables for eg. Shapiro wilk test.
Null hypothesis: Variable follows normal distribution.
Alternative hypothesis: Variable doesn't follow normal distribution.
If we have a p-value greater than 0.05 then we can't reject the null hypothesis hence Variable follows normal distribution. If we have a p-value less than 0.05 then we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis. Hence our variable doesn't follow normal distribution. Variable deviation from normal mainly due to lack of symmetry or skewness and kurtosis. Royston P. (1991)
As we can see from the normality table, the kolomogov- smirnov and shapiro wilk test has applied to all the variables. All variables have p value less than 0.05, that means no variable has followed normal distribution. Most of the researchers claim that, if we have skewness and kurtosis values between -1 to 1, then it's most likely to follow normal distribution. Ghasemi, A., & Zahediasl, S. (2012).
A total of 500 responses were collected to conduct the analysis. That comprises people using or used Uber services were obtained through a questionnaire-based survey. However, after cleaning the data set for non-response bias i.e. the missing values and outliers, a dataset of 485 respondents was selected. Of the respondents, 265 were male (54.6%) and the remaining 220 were female. This can also be shown from the above bar chart where the bar for males is greater than the females.
The respondents were provided an option to choose from four educational levels. The vocational/high school level (category 1) comprised 1 respondent, 308 had a university degree (category 3), and 156 had a postgraduate degree (category 4). To our surprise, none of the respondents possessed a higher national diploma (category 2). This is shown in the bar plot for the education variable. The age of the respondent was again enquired under four slabs. 360 respondents belonged to the age group 18 – 27, 109 belonged to 28 – 37, and 11 belonged to 38 – 47. So, there were 5 respondents under the old age categories of 48 – 57 and 58 & above.
Therefore, the majority of the respondents were youth and might be a good fit as these categories may be using the services for commuting to colleges or offices. This is shown again using a bar plot. Lastly, respondents were...