Assignment task 1A
Microsoft Word - 20T1SED304_AssessmentTasks-Rubrics_20200309.docx SED304 – Product Development T1 2020 Page 1 of 14 SED304 assessment tasks, instructions, deliverables and marking criteria (rubrics) Overview Assessment tasks Major deliverables Assignments Assignment weight Due date (Monday, 09.00am Melbourne time) 1: Progressive product development report: progressive submission INDIVIDUAL product development report 70% with team components and divided into chapters (in total: 7,000 words) 1A – Problem identification, user and technical research (2,000 words) 10% End of Week 4 06 April 2020 1B – Market research, concept generation, concept development and project proposal (2,000 words) 20% End of Week 7 04 May 2020 2: Progressive product development report: final submission 2 – Final report (3,000 words) 40% End of Week 13 15 June 2020 3: Team video presentation 1. TEAM video presentation 20% 2. INDIVIDUAL self- and peer- review of teamwork skills (linked to assessment task 4) 3 – Video presentation – individualised using self-and- peer review of teamwork skills (6 min) 20% End of Week 11 01 June 2020 4: Teamwork reflection INDIVIDUAL Reflection 10% 4 – Self-reflection on teamwork skills using template provided 10% End of Week 12 08 June 2020 Assessment tasks 1 and 2: Product development report Individual vs teamwork You write your own report individually from your perspective and with your own words. However, you work in a team. You share collected data and other resources within your team. Each team is encouraged to allocate data collection tasks among team members. It is useful to have a team leader who coordinates the project and ensures agreed quality of deliverable is met. Product development benefits from an interdisciplinary approach. A wide range of expertise , soft1 and technical2 skills, play an important role in this unit. Not all team members have the same skills and expertise, so allocate the tasks with that in mind. 1 Personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people. Assignments 1A and 1B: You work on your own individual concept generation and process development process, but you are encouraged to discuss your ideas with other team members. After concept development, all team members bring together their own individual concept ideas. Using an appropriate matrix, all team members conduct a concept selection phase together and choose one design concept per team as their project proposal. Assignment 2: Each team works on a final design of the chosen design concept together and are encouraged to share the resources and split the tasks among team members. This means – within your team – you should all have the same collected data, their raw results, and creative outcomes in your individual reports, but you explain the results with your own words. 2 Abilities and knowledge needed to perform specific complex tasks. They are practical, and often discipline specific. SED304 – Product Development T1 2020 Page 2 of 14 Report writing Your report should be data-driven containing only the information relevant to the problem you are solving. IMPORTANT: This report is a documentation of your applied research, there is no need to provide long elaborations on generally known topics (you can refer this to literature). All your (and your team's) decisions should be explained. All data should be presented with appropriate technical depth AND analysed and explained in the nontechnical language in order to be accessible to technical ans well as general audience (e.g. engineers and managers with non-engineering background). Some information can be provided in tables or charts with appropriate annotation. It is expected from students to refer various reliable resources including scientific journals, datasets, professional magazines, governmental reports, etc. Report visual presentation The report should be readable and visually appealing. Think about the layout and consider to include section headings, appropriate headers and footers, page numbers, equations, diagrams, tables, charts, figure captions (with references), in text or footnote references, etc. Visual representations of your design process are an important part of your product development process and communication of its results, so ensure you include images related to your research and development (your photographs and referred images), etc. Each assignment must include • Cover page – Provided template • References – Content related to the assignment only High Distinction (HD) marks Please remember that High Distinction (HD) marks are associated with a succinct high- quality discussion showcasing technical breadth and depth concepts that complies with a word limit criteria. All previous chapters must be included in your Final report! If any of the previous chapters are missing your marks will be reduced. Chapters from the previous assignments (1A and 1B) will not be assessed again in the Final report. Assessment task 3: Video presentation Assessment task 3 is comprised of two components due on 01 of June 2020: 1. Submission of Team Video presentation 2. Completion of AT4.1: Individual completion of self-and-peer review of teamwork skills (see Assessment task 4) Individual vs teamwork Each team works on the video presentation together. However it is up to the team how individual tasks are allocated among the team members (video recording, scenario writing, editing, etc.) There will be an individualised scaling factor applied based on self- and-peer review of teamwork skills, to reflect your contribution and ability to work well within a team, moderated by the unit chair. As per SEBE Standard for assessing teamwork skills, students are required to complete the summative self-and-peer review of teamwork skills via online tool (only) within 48hours of the team submission. Students who do not complete this hurdle will receive a 25% penalty. Visual and audio presentation This is an opportunity for your team to present your work to the industry client (imaginable) in a most interesting way. The client may find a traditional text-heavy academic presentation too lifeless and monotonous, therefore think about how can you best present not only your work but also yourselves as developers. Consider using elements such as storytelling, humour, analogies, metaphors and action (product development, user interaction). Voice should be clear and understandable (interviews, voice-over). Keep in mind suitable background locations as well as music. Your video presentation should look like an »academic Kickstarter video«. At the end of the presentation, do not forget to acknowledge the authorship of individual work and featured material. Video recording It is recommended you start taking short video footages already at the beginning of your product development process, so you will have a good number of raw material to choose from for your final video presentation. Uploading to DeakinAir Upload your file (one per team) to DeakinAir at least 24 hours in advance in order to avoid missing the assignment due date. Your submission to the DeakinCloud assignment folder should contain a file containing the link to your DeakinAir video. Assessment task 4: Teamwork reflection Assessment task 4 is comprised of two components: AT4.1: Individual completion of self-and-peer review of teamwork skills (completed via online tool at the time of team video submission) AT4.2: Individual reflection on teamwork skills using template provided and submitted via dropbox SED304 – Product Development