Microsoft Word XXXXXXXXXXBOL FPCM10_MT_Review REVISEDBC Learning Network – Math10, FPC BOL XXXXXXXXXXpage 1 of 9 XXXXXXXXXXBCLN - Rev. Sept/2017 Midterm Exam Review XXXXXXXXXXName: ...

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Microsoft Word - 2019-BOL FPCM10_MT_Review REVISED BC Learning Network – Math10, FPC BOL 2019 page 1 of 9 BCLN - Rev. Sept/2017 Midterm Exam Review Name: _______________________________ Instructions: Using a pencil, complete the following questions as you work through the related lessons. Show ALL work as is explained in the lessons. Do your best and ask questions if you don’t understand any question! Unit One Exponents You need to know how to:  apply exponent laws  explain negative exponents  explain rational exponents 1. There are 5 exponent laws to know – write down each law using variables and explain the law. Then give an example of the law. The first is done for you. Law With variables What it means Example a. Multiplying powers (am)(an) = am+n If you have two powers with the same base you can add the exponents (63)(64) = 63+4 = 67 b. Dividing Powers c. Raising a Power to an exponent d. Raising a Product to a Power e. Raising a Quotient to a Power f. Negative exponents BC Learning Network – Math10, FPC BOL 2019 page 2 of 9 BCLN - Rev. Sept/2017 2. Simplify (leave answers with positive exponents) a. (-4x2y5)(3x3y2) b. 14x7y12 7x2 y10 c. 3x7y8 5xy2 æ è ç ö ø ÷ 3 d. 3a4( )-3 a7 e. -4x-2y-1 2x-5y3 æ è ç ö ø ÷ -3 f. -54x9y3 2x3y9 æ è ç ö ø ÷ -1 3 BC Learning Network – Math10, FPC BOL 2019 page 3 of 9 BCLN - Rev. Sept/2017 Unit Two Graphing You need to know how to:  Graph a set of data, determine range and domain  Explain why sometimes data points are connected and sometimes they aren’t  Sketch and describe a possible graph for a situation  Explain functions and use function notation  Represent a linear relation with words, ordered pairs, table of values, graphs, equations  Determine intercepts 1. Sketch two graphs below, one a function and one not a function. 2. Circle the following which represent a linear relation: a. x + y2 = 26 b. x = 5 y c. 4x + 7 = 2y d. y = -3 3. Determine whether each relation is linear or non-linear relation. a) A new car is purchased for $10, 000. Every year the value of the car decreases by 15%. The value is related to time. b) (2,6) (0,1) (-2,-4) (-4,-9) (-6,-14) c) x + y = 10 4. How do you represent a linear relation on a graph? BC Learning Network – Math10, FPC BOL 2019 page 4 of 9 BCLN - Rev. Sept/2017 5 a) State the domain, range, and whether the graph is a function, answer set notation b) State the domain, range, and whether the graph is a function, answer interval notation 6. a) Graph this equation using the x-intercept as one point and the y-intercept as the other point. y = - 1 2 x + 2 BC Learning Network – Math10, FPC BOL 2019 page 5 of 9 BCLN - Rev. Sept/2017 b) Graph this equation using the x-intercept as one point and the y-intercept as the other point. y = - 2 3 x + 4 Unit Three Linear Relations You need to know how to  Determine slope  Identify slope and y-intercept of a given graph  Determine the equation of a linear relation, given a graph, a point and the slope, two points, a point and the equation of a parallel or perpendicular line  Write equations and express in graphs using slope-intercept, slope-point, and General forms 1. Find the slope and y-intercept of this graph, and write the equation in slope-intercept form. BC Learning Network – Math10, FPC BOL 2019 page 6 of 9 BCLN - Rev. Sept/2017 b) 2. Write the equation of a line parallel to the line is 1a), in slope-intercept form. 3. Write the equation of a line perpendicular to 1b) , in general form. 4. Determine the slope and the coordinates of a point for this equation: y+ 5 = -3 8 x + 5( ) 5. Write the equation of a line that passes through (4, 2) and (6, -5). Answer in slope- intercept form, General form and slope-point form. BC Learning Network – Math10, FPC BOL 2019 page 7 of 9 BCLN - Rev. Sept/2017 6. Determine whether each sequence is an arithmetic sequence. Write yes or no. Explain. a) 7, 1, -5, -11 b) 1.4, 2.4, 3.8, 5.6 c) 1,4,9,16 d) -10, -16, -22, -28 7. Find the next three terms of each arithmetic sequence. a) 1,1 2 ,0,-1 2 ,.... b) 53, 48, 43, 38,…. 8. Write an equation for the nth term of each arithmetic sequence. Then graph the first five terms of the sequence. a) 11, 17, 23 b) Graph the first five terms of the sequence. 9) You deposit $115.00 into a savings account. Each week thereafter, you deposit $40.00 into the account. a) Write a function to represent the total amount you have deposited for any number of weeks after your initial deposit. b) How much have you deposited 30 weeks after your initial deposit? BC Learning Network – Math10, FPC BOL 2019 page 8 of 9 BCLN - Rev. Sept/2017 Unit Four Linear Systems You need to know how to: Solve systems of equations by graphing, substitution and elimination 1) Solve the following a) Solve the following system of equations by graphing and by substitution 12x – 3y = 6 y = -4x + 6 b) Solve the following system of equations by graphing, and by elimination 3x + y = 11 x – 4y = -5 2) Two hotdogs and 3 hamburgers cost $15.50. One hotdog and 5 hamburgers cost $20. What is the cost of a hotdog? BC Learning Network – Math10, FPC BOL 2019 page 9 of 9 BCLN - Rev. Sept/2017 ANSWERS Unit One Exponents 1. b. am ÷ an = am-n c. (am)n = amn d. (ab)m = ambm e. a b æ è ç ö ø ÷ n = a n bn f. a-n = 1 an 4. a. 0.5 b. 1000/729 c. 4/5 Unit Two Graphing 2. c, d 4. x-intercept (4, 0) y-intercept (0, 2) Unit Three Linear Relations 1. y = - 6 5 x + 2 2. y = - 6 5 x + (b) (any value for b) 3. y = 5 6 x + (b)(any value for b) 4. - 3 4 , (-5, -5) 5. y = - 7 2 x+16, 7x + 2y - 32 = 0, )4( 2 7 2 --=- xy )6( 2 7 5 --=+ xyor 6.a) yes, has a common difference of -6 b) No, has no common difference 7. a) -1,-11 2 ,-2 b) 33,28,23 8. a) tn = 6n + 5 b) Unit Four Linear
Mar 01, 2023

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