MICROPROCESSOR EMULATOR CODES Solve all the given task through using assembly language code for emu8086 Exmaple given on the picture Task 01 Swap two numbers using ADD/SUB instructions only. Task 02...


Solve all the given task through using assembly language code for emu8086

Exmaple given on the picture

Task 01

Swap two numbers using ADD/SUB instructions only.

Task 02 (use add, sub, mul, div)

If A, B and C are 3 variables, perform the given mathematical operation
• A = C + (B – A) - 2 ;

Task 03 (use add, sub, mul, div)

If X, Y and Z are 3 variables, then perform the given mathematical operation
• Y * Y / (4 * X * Z)

Task 04 (use add, sub, mul, div)

Perform the following arithmetic operation: 10 * 7 / (1 - 4) + 13 + 52 – 4 *

.8086<br>.model small<br>.stack 100h<br>.data<br>04 . data<br>05 ; your data here<br>06 x db 2<br>07 y db 4<br>08 .code<br>09 main proc<br>10 mov al, 5<br>11 mov bl, 15<br>12 div bl<br>; your data here<br>х db 2<br>y db 4<br>.code<br>main proc<br>mov al, 5<br>mov bl, 15<br>div bl<br>main endp<br>end<br>emulator: mycode.exe_<br>file math debug view<br>external<br>virtual devices<br>virtual drive help<br>Load<br>reload<br>step back<br>single step<br>step delay ms: 0<br>run<br>. ***.....<br>registers<br>0721:0000<br>0721:0000<br>L<br>07210: BO 176<br>07211: 05 005<br>07212: B3 179<br>07213: OF 015 *<br>07214: F6 246 :<br>07215: F3 243 S<br>07216: 90 144 É<br>07217: 90 144 É<br>07218: 90 144 É<br>07219: 90 144 É<br>0721A: 90 144 É<br>0721B: 90 144 É<br>0721C: 90 144 É<br>0721D: 90 144 É<br>0721E: 90 144 É<br>00 00<br>MOU AL, 05h<br>MOU BL, OFh<br>DIU BL<br>NOP<br>NOP<br>NOP<br>NOP<br>NOP<br>NOP<br>NOP<br>NOP<br>NOP<br>NOP<br>NOP<br>NOP<br>AX<br>BX 00 00<br>Cx 81 16<br>DX 00 00<br>CS<br>0721<br>IP<br>0000<br>SS<br>0710<br>SP<br>0100<br>00<br>

Extracted text: .8086 .model small .stack 100h .data 04 . data 05 ; your data here 06 x db 2 07 y db 4 08 .code 09 main proc 10 mov al, 5 11 mov bl, 15 12 div bl ; your data here х db 2 y db 4 .code main proc mov al, 5 mov bl, 15 div bl main endp end emulator: mycode.exe_ file math debug view external virtual devices virtual drive help Load reload step back single step step delay ms: 0 run . ***..... registers 0721:0000 0721:0000 L 07210: BO 176 07211: 05 005 07212: B3 179 07213: OF 015 * 07214: F6 246 : 07215: F3 243 S 07216: 90 144 É 07217: 90 144 É 07218: 90 144 É 07219: 90 144 É 0721A: 90 144 É 0721B: 90 144 É 0721C: 90 144 É 0721D: 90 144 É 0721E: 90 144 É 00 00 MOU AL, 05h MOU BL, OFh DIU BL NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP AX BX 00 00 Cx 81 16 DX 00 00 CS 0721 IP 0000 SS 0710 SP 0100 00

Jun 09, 2022

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