Contrast the relative rates of growth in a natural environment vs
lab culture
Biofilms: what they are, generally how formed, and main types of
issues they can cause for humans
Soils: note the variability of environmental conditions (water, O2)
in both time and space (especially small spaces). Think about how this can impact microbial
diversity and niches
Freshwater (lakes): importance of stratification, and what is the
impact of eutrophication.
Review summer stratification profile and its impact on microbial
communities especially with regard to hydrogen sulfide and oxygen
Marine habitat: what is primary productivity? What organisms in the
upper ocean levels perform it and the need for nitrogen and phosphorous
nutrients (not mentioned but iron is also important)
What can cause ocean dead zones?
Prochlorococcus as a principle primary producer in open ocean, Pelagibacter clade as a principle type of heterotrophic
of heterotrophic bacteria and viruses in the carbon cycle of oceans
Connection between chemolithotrophs and life at deep sea
hydrothermal vents
evolution and phylogeny â Chap 16 (13th ed) or Chap 14 (12th
What was the likely metabolism of first
primitive cells given conditions on early earth?
Review the concept/cause of Great Oxidation
Event in earth history
Review the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene
and use in molecular phylogeny construction, focus on the attributes that make
this gene desirable
How does one use the 16S rRNA gene? The analytical
methods (amplify, sequence, compare – review the animation on generating
phylogenetic trees)
Basics of how to read a phylogenetic tree
to infer relatedness among taxa; in the case of genetic sequence information
that the distances refer to nucleotide differences between any two taxa.
â Chap 17 (13th ed) or Chap 15 (12th ed)
General characteristics of proteobacteria:
all gram negative, most commonly encountered, greatest metabolic diversity
Nitrifying bacteria: what is the process,
its importance, and the difference between ammonia oxidation (Nitrosococcus) and nitrite oxidation (Nitrobacter)
Pseudomonas: nutritionally versatile, can degrade xenobiotics; P. aeurginosa is a possible nosocomial
Acetic acid bacteria: Acetobacter, may be found in alcoholic beverages (wine), make
Gram negative cocci (this is not too
common): Neisseria, esp. N. gonorrhoeae which is a pathogen
Enteric bacteria: Enterobacteriaceae
Gram negative
Separation as
mixed acid vs butanediol fermenters
Main genera are Escherichia, Salmonella, Shigella for
mixed acid, Enterobacter for
butanediol (you can remember Serratia
as example here since you worked with it)
Review role of
LPS as endotoxin
Distinctive vibroid shape, aquatic habitat, V. cholera as an example
Gram negative spirilla: review Campylobacter and Helicobacter as examples
positive and other bacteria â Chap 18 (13th ed) or Chap 16 (12th
Non-sporulating Gram positive
Staphyococcus vs. Micrococcus: facultative vs aerobe, S. aureus can be pathogen (incl. MRSA).
Lactic acid bacteria: note they are anaerobic, and their
fermentation product. Which main groups
are included?
incidence of hemolysis for some Streptococcus,
types of hemolysis.
Review morphology
of cells under microscope between Staph. and Streptococci
Importance of
Lactobacillusand Lacotcoccus: important in dairy
Listeria: L. monocytogenes cause of listeriosis, foodborne illness from
processed food products
Sporulating Gram positive:
focus on Bacillus
and Clostridium
why spores are
important in soil
Bacillus: B. thuringiensis insect pathogen, Bt
toxin; B. anthracis anthrax
Clostridium: obligate
anaerobes, several pathogenic species All produce toxins
Mycoplasma: cells lack
cell wall- so they therefore lack what? Peptidoglycan. Have critical structural role of sterols
instead. Among smallest cells. These are primarily parasitic.
Propionic acid
bacteria: role in Swiss cheese, have secondary fermentation (what is it?)
Mycobacterium: acid fast, M. tuberculosis, causes tuberculosis,
exhibits cord-like growth behavior.
Filamentous actinobacteriaà Streptomyces and Actinomyces: soil bacteria, mycelia
similar to fungi. Be familiar with the
very important role of Streptomyces
in antibiotic production
Cyanobacteria: oxygenic photoautotrophs
Chlamydia: obligate parasites, poor metabolic capabilities, pathogenic nature
of C. trachomatis
Spirochetes: gram negative, unique coiled shape. Treponema
pallidum causes syphilis
Borellia causes Lyme disease
Viruses â Chap 9 (13th
ed.) or Chap 10 (12th ed.)
Above all, try to understand how viruses reproduce in general, and
therefore what their needs are to do this
Definitions of virus-related terminology: virus, viral
particle/virion, capsid, capsomer, nucleocapsid, enveloped virus, helical vs.
icosahedral, titer, plaque assay/plaques
Nature of viral envelopes, where does it come from?
The general role of virion enzymes – why they are needed? BYOE
The general phases of viral replication, and viral growth curve,
including what happens in latent period
The 7 classes of viruses per the Baltimore Classification system
The difference between positive strand and negative strand RNA
genomes, what it means in terms of protein expression
Understand the significance of RNA replicase (an RNA-dependent RNA
polymerase), which types of viral life cycle would need this and for what?
The difference between virulent/lytic mode and temperate mode of
bacteriophage life cycle, definition of lysogeny
Definitions of persistent infections, latent infections, and
Retroviruses and the role of reverse transcriptase, just general
process, including integration of viral dsDNA nucleic acid into the host genome
What a viroid and prion are
Viral diversity â Chap 21
(13th ed. ) or Chap 19 (12th ed.)
Phage MS-2: an RNA Bacteriophage of E. coli, small virion, small genome; and phi-X 174, a ssDNA
Bacteriophage that makes a dsDNA replicative form to serve as mRNA template and
to create more ssDNA genomes
Plus-strand RNA viruses of animals: genome can serve as mRNA; but
need minus strand RNA for template to make new RNA genome. Ex. Enteroviruses, Flaviviruses. Be familiar a bit with
Negative-strand RNA viruses: need to copy the RNA genome into mRNA,
use RNA replicase (viral RNA polymerase).
Ex. influenza virus. Also, antigenic shift (allowed by recombination of
genome segments) and antigenic drift processes in influenza.
Double-stranded RNA viruses in animalsâ Reoviruses, ex. Rotavirus
Double-stranded DNA viruses in animals âHerpes viruses are in this
class. Key herpes viruses:
Varicella-Zoster virus (chickenpox/shingles) and Herpes simplex virus. Also Papillomaviruses causing warts, possibly
Retroviruses â already mentioned
Hepadnaviruses â dsDNA genome that replicates via an RNA
intermediate. Hepatitis B is in this
class. Thus, this virus also encodes a
gene for reverse transcriptase.
Key features of diplomonads (Giardia)
and parabasalids (Trichomonas)
Euglenozoans: review Euglena
and Trypanosoma brucei: African
Sleeping Sickness
Alveolates: include ciliates, dinoflagellates, apicomplexans
Cilliates: ex. Paramecium
Dinoflagellates: mostly
photoautotrophs, a primary cause of harmful algal blooms worldwide, including
Florida Red Tide Karenia brevis. Dinoflagellates are also common algal symbiont inside coral polyp cells,
which are lost during coral bleaching.
Apicomplexans: have
a degenerate chloroplasts, know the three main pathogens Plasmodium (malaria), Toxoplasma
(toxoplasmosis, cat litter), Eimeria
Disease: person to person and vectorborne
Know the major respiratory bacteria and
illness issues they cause:
Strep A
(including TSS, Scarlet fever and Rheumatic fever and mechanism)
Strep pneumoniae
(protected by capsule)
tuberculosis (cord factor, persistence, dangerousness, how treated and
difficulty of treatment)
(bacterial) meningitis (Neisseria) â
who is more at risk, distinctive morphology
Know what causes the common cold
Influenza: review general virion structure
and importance of HA and NA
Review antigenic shift and antigenic drift
among influenza viruses, and the role recombination in animals can play in
global pandemic emergence.
aureus: review the major symptoms, virulence
factors and antibiotic resistance
Familiarize with disease caused by
hepatitis viruses A, B, and C.
Know the causative organisms, their
attributes and characteristics of the major STDs: gonorrhea, syphilis,
chlamydia, herpes simplex 2, HPV. I.e.
for bacteria, know the diplococcus morphology of N. gonorrhoeae, spirochete shape of Treponema, intracellular pathogen characteristic of Chlamydia.
Review epidemiology and pathology of
Symptoms, and vector/cause of Lyme disease.
Arboviruses: Vector and incidence of West
Nile fever, Eastern Equine Encephalitis.
Also Flavivirus genus including Zika virus and Dengue. What are the symptoms and Zikaâs possible
link to birth defects.
Significance of mosquito control in
controlling spread of these diseases
Know the organism and vector, and major
symptoms of malaria (i.e red blood cells infected, causes fevers and chills)
Know cause of tetanus and how acquired
Ebola virus: causative virus, hemorrhagic
fever, symptoms, therapy/treatment
Water and food borne disease will be on
next exam