Miami Dade College ENC 1101: English Composition 1 Professor: Mrs. Monica Plata Formal Essay # 3: Argumentation (250 points) Directions: Create a well-developed argumentative essay supporting your...

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Miami Dade College ENC 1101: English Composition 1 Professor: Mrs. Monica Plata Formal Essay # 3: Argumentation (250 points) Directions: Create a well-developed argumentative essay supporting your point. · Over the years, technology has expanded and enhanced the lives for many individuals in hopes of bringing us together with means of providing better communication. However, does technology really bring us together or does it make us more alone? The essay must consist of a minimum of five well-developed paragraphs and no less than two typed pages. Since you are arguing/debating a point, you must use facts, as well as opinions, to support your topic. As a reminder, you do not want to present a biased argument. Therefore, at least two body paragraphs must support your thesis, and then you must have a minimum of one body paragraph negating your thesis. The facts and support for your argument must be cited in MLA format, and the paper must contain a work’s cited page indicating the sources used (must have a minimum of two sources). The thesis statement must be stated and the paper must be written in third person point-of- view. Papers should be double-spaced and use Times New Roman, 12-point font with 1-inch margins. In the top left corner (not in the “header”), you should include your first and last name, my first and last name, the date, ENC 1101 and Formal Essay # 3. The title, which should be original, must be centered but NOT italicized, bolded, underlined, in a different font size, or in quotation marks; also, capitalize the first letter of the important words in your title. Insert your last name and page numbers as a “header” in the top right corner of each additional page. Your Argumentative essay is due by midnight on Friday, December 4th. The penalty for late papers is 10 points per day it is late. As a reminder, since this is a formal writing assignment, do not use contractions, slang, and/or write as if you are speaking to the reader. Formal Essay # 3: Argumentation- 250 pts. Writer: Grade Earned: Levels of Achievement Criteria Excellent (A) Good (B) Fair (C) Poor (D/F) Introduction& Thesis (45-50 pts.) Topic is narrow, has a purpose, is able to be argued against, and is clear. Intro. Is clear and provides context for the rest of the paper; stated thesis developed logically, and is debatable. Original title had been given. (40-44 pts.) Topic is too general with its purpose, and/or can’t be debated. Intro lacks context for the rest of the paper; thesis is stated, but is unclear or can’t be argued for or against. Original title has been provided. (35-39 pts.) Topic is very unclear or hard to find. Intro provides little context for the paper; thesis is hard to find and/or undebatable. No title has been given. (34 pts. & below) No topic to debate. Intro does not provide context for the paper; no thesis statement. No title has been given. Body Paragraphs (45-50 pts.) Must have a minimum of 3 body paragraphs Supporting details are supported with mostly facts & some opinions They are clear and convincing. The writer provides a sufficient amount of facts that are relevant& representative of the issue. Strong evidence of critical thinking. No factual errors. (40-44 pts.) Must have at least 3 body paragraphs Mostly facts and some opinions are used to support the thesis. The writer should have used more facts rather than the opinions used to support the thesis. The facts are relevant and representative to the issue. No factual errors. (35-39 pts.) Less than 3 body paragraphs. Thesis is evident and supported with mostly opinions or general ideas. Some factual errors. Student provides a biased argument instead of presenting both sides. (34 pts. & below) Less than three body paragraphs and/or thesis is evident but support is very general and/or inconsistent. Many factual errors. Student only has paragraphs supporting the thesis rather than providing a minimum of one paragraph negating it. Concluding Paragraph (45-50 pts.) Conclusion provides cohesion to entire paper. Restatement of facts, support, and thesis are evident. No factual errors. (40-44 pts.) Conclusion fails to recast thesis effectively and/or introduces a new topic or adds additional support. No factual errors. (35-39 pts.) Conclusion make insufficient reference to thesis or lack cohesion to the entire paper. Some factual errors. (34 pts.& below) Conclusion is unrelated to the rest of the essay. Many factual errors. Organization/ Cohesiveness & Fluidity cont. (45-50 pts.) Minimum of 5 paragraphs and/or at least 2 full (double spaced) typed pages. Central Idea is clear. Paragraph structure consistently and effectively supports content. The essay is consistently focused, flows smoothly, and is easily understandable by the reader. Transitions are skillfully employed. No factual errors. (40-44 pts.) Minimum of 5 paragraphs and/or at least 2 full (double spaced) typed pages. Central Idea is clear. Sequence of paragraphs is good but needs improvement. The essay is somewhat focused, flows fairly smoothly, and is generally understandable by the reader. Transitions are reasonably effective. No factual errors. (35-39 pts.) Less than 5 paragraphs and/or less than 2 full (double spaced) typed pages. Not in MLA format (single spaced, etc.)Central idea is not clear. Sequence of paragraphs seems to be out of logical order. The focus and flow of the essay are inconsistent; the reader must work to understand it. Transitions are minimal. Some factual errors. (34 pts. & below) Less than 5 paragraphs and/or only one typed page. Central Idea is not clear. Paragraph are not in order. Contains repetition & digression. Overall, the essay lacks focus and fluidity. The point of the essay is undetectable. Transitions are missing or insufficient. Many factual errors. Mechanics & Citations (if needed) (45-50 pts) Choice of language consistently precise, purposeful. Superior editing-limited errors (1-3) in spelling, grammar, word order, word usage & punctuation. Use of citation. Stays in third person point-of view. No use of contractions and/or slang. Essay in MLA format. (40-44 pts.) Word choice accurate & varied. Good editing- occasional errors (4-7) per paragraph in spelling, grammar, word usage, & punctuation. Few errors in citation. Stays in third person point-of view. No use of contractions and/or slang. Essay in MLA format. (35-39 pts.) Word choice correct by simple/without variety. Careless editing- several errors (8-11) in spelling, grammar, word order, word usage, & punctuation. Several errors in citation and/or no works cited page, and/or less than 2 sources were cited. Use of contractions and or slang. Student spoke in 1st or 2nd person point-of-view. Student writes as if he is speaking to the reader. Students does not use MLA format. (34 pts. & below) Frequent errors in word choice. No editing- many errors (12+) throughout in spelling, grammar, word order, word usage, punctuation & citation. Student used less than 2 sources to cite from and/or had no works cited page. Student continuously used contractions or slang, and spoke in 1st or 2nd person point-of-view. Student continues to write as if he is speaking. Student does not use MLA format.
Answered Same DayDec 04, 2021

Answer To: Miami Dade College ENC 1101: English Composition 1 Professor: Mrs. Monica Plata Formal Essay # 3:...

Taruna answered on Dec 05 2021
156 Votes
Technology has changed the world for human beings especially in the con
text of massive digital advancement that the world has made today. In fact, in a rapidly growing digital world, people tend to expand their virtual criteria of socializing with others; the more people added to the virtual list of friends over social media platforms, the more person is perceived as ‘socially engaged’ in the modern context. However, on practical grounds, ‘getting connected’ is a wrongly applied phrase in virtual world. Technology in digital world has made human beings more alone than before because of the lack of physical access to the socialization as well as the isolation which people feel when they are in virtual world.
    At first, on the surface, virtual world appears to be a myriad of thrill and adventure. With the rise of social media platforms, it seems for a new user a...

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