Methodology · Concise and clear synopsis of the steps that were followed to answer the research question. Enough detail needs to be provided so results can be replicated however not too much detail so...

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· Concise and clear synopsis of the steps that were followed to answer the research question. Enough detail needs to be provided so results can be replicated however not too much detail so it reads like your notes. Mention the software used for the analysis (e.g., Excel, Excel analysis toolpak).

· Briefly describes the dataset being analysed (make sure you cite it here). How was it compiled? What does it consist of?

· Identifies any potential limitations. For instance, there could be missing data, the data collected may be limited in some way (e.g., records only come from one source)

· Materials and Methods are normally written in the past tense as they describe what has been done.
Note: Do not write this section as bullet points or numbered items.

· Between
125 and 200 words


· The results should present, summarise, and describe the dataset you are analysing through
at least ONE table and TWO figures (two tables and four figures max).

Figure and Table guidance.
Each Figure and Table should have a number, e.g. Figure 1, Table 1, etc. and should be numbered in the order in which they are referred to in the text. A Figure must have a caption following the number, and if necessary an accompanying legend to define symbols. A Table must also have a caption, with footnotes if necessary. All Table columns should have a column heading and state units if relevant.
Figure captions
are placed below Figures, whereas
Table captions
are placed above Tables.

· The table(s) and figure(s) contain appropriate captions, which should have sufficient information that allows the reader to understand what is being shown without having to read the main text. When presenting a graph, please consider whether you have labelled axes (with units), etc. Likewise include units in the column headings.

· The table and figure are accompanied by descriptive text (written in full sentences and paragraphs) which presents a high level overview of the main findings that can be drawn from them. Any trends and/or patterns are described using scientific terminology, as well as results of any statistical tests which you have conducted (it is not a requirement to do statistical analysis).
Your Results section should not ‘discuss’ the data (save this for the Discussion).

· Tables and Figures are placed immediately after the paragraph in which they are first referred to in the text.

· Identifies any potential limitations on the reliability or validity of your evaluation.

· Results section is typically written in the past/passive tense as they describe what has been found.

· Between
150 and 200 words

Discussion and Conclusion

A good Discussion section will set out to address the Research Aim and Hypothesis that were posed in the Introduction. It should highlight (but not describe again in detail) the key finding(s) of the research. It should attempt to explain the main findings from the Results section, and it should relate (e.g. compare/contrast) these to the findings from other studies.


· Clear statement of findings that is consistent with research question/s and hypotheses.

· Write about how the results you obtained compare to related studies.

· Interpretation of the results, their significance and appropriate recommendations. What do your results mean? What are the implications?

· Considers limitations/weaknesses and caveats of the study.

· Includes a short discussion of possible future opportunities for extending, developing or improving the study (for instance, if you think the results could be more comprehensive by investigating a dataset that covers a longer timespan…).

· Finishes with a short concluding sentence or two summarizing the key findings (answering your question from your Introduction) and wider significance of the research.

· Tense usage in this section will vary as it depends on whether you are discussing what is already known (present), what was found in your data (past/passive), or what you might do in the future (future tense).

· Between
175 to 250 words



· All supporting references (between 5 and 10, at least 3 from peer reviewed sources) cited in your report are listed in the
RMIT Harvard Referencing Style.

· Reference entries are consistent with referencing style.

· References are appropriate and correctly embedded throughout the text.

· Avoid excessive use of quotations.

· Max one page for your reference list.


Concise reflection (2-5 sentences) about how you implemented the feedback given by the teaching team on Assessment 4b Scientific Report Part 1- tables & figures. For example:

I included labels in my axes, I fixed the number of decimal places in my table, I included units in my table headings, I removed the title from my graph and included it in the figure caption.

Answered Same DayJun 06, 2021ONPS2334

Answer To: Methodology · Concise and clear synopsis of the steps that were followed to answer the research...

Rajeswari answered on Jun 06 2021
157 Votes
Modified scientific assignment
Justice systems are in place in order to maintain control and provide proper punishment to those who misconduct or brea
k the law. This experiment was conducted to determine if the system operates under biased influences, thus distributing unfair disciplinary actions.
To find out whether there is race discrimination in sentencing the accused, the survey was done. The main purpose of this system was to check whether people of colour (black or other) colors get harsher sentences than the white people.
To find out whether color of the accused influences the harshness of the sentence imposed, the data was collected about the sentences to different colors. The survey was done in United Kingdom, from the Criminal Justice System (CJS). The questions were prepared as the particulars about the number of persons arrested during 2016-17 aged 10 and above by self identified ethnicity.
To collect this data, questions were prepared and submitted to the CIS as follows:
i) No of people arrested in the locality selected
ii) Total population of the locality
iii) Out of persons arrested how many persons were black, white, Asian, Mixed, Chinese or the other.
To enable filling up easier, forms were given to them with simple questions as
i) Name of the person
ii) Age (question with above 10 years… yes/no)
iii) Color … Choices were Black, white, Asian, Mixed, Chinese or the other and the filler has to tick the choice selected
This questionnaire was very easy for...

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