MDU113.3 Extra Info Algorithms, Statistical Analysis and Procedurality Task V2_ XXXXXXXXXXPage 1 of 7 For this project you are going to be creating a weapon and armour system for a turn based RPG. The...

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MDU113.3 Extra Info Algorithms, Statistical Analysis and Procedurality Task V2_20180129 Page 1 of 7 For this project you are going to be creating a weapon and armour system for a turn based RPG. The aim of this is to create a set of balanced and random items that the system can provide to the player. Part 1 – The System Your first task will be to develop the damage system. This will take the form of a series of stats that a weapon will have, and a series of stats that a piece of armour will have. Then, you will develop a system for determining how much damage a given attack will do – this ought to depend on the stats of the weapon and armour, as well as luck (that is, there should be random variation in how much damage an attack does, even if it’s the same weapon and armour in question. This is shown in the example lower as a roll of a six sided dice). Weapon stats will be things like ‘strength’ or ‘accuracy’ or ‘fire damage’. Armour stats will be things like ‘damage multiplier’ or ‘crit reduction’ or ‘fire resistance’. These are just examples, of course, and more are provided in the appendix of this document. These stats will probably be numbers, but it’s conceivable that they be something else. The important thing is that a weapon or armour piece should be completely described by its stats – there shouldn’t be any ‘special’ weapons or armour that require extra information to describe, beyond their stats. When developing your system for determining damage, it needn’t be simple to describe with a mathematical equation (though it can be). So for instance, something like: damage = weaponStrength + D6 – armourStrength + 3 But you could also say, for instance: if (D20 < weaponaccuracy), damage = weaponstrength + d6 – armourstrength otherwise damage = 0 mdu113.3 extra info algorithms, statistical analysis and procedurality task v2_20180129 page 2 of 7 part 2 – the items for this section, you’re going to need to come up with a few specific weapons and balance them. feel free to provide a description of these, but the important thing is the stats that go with each. first off, you’ll want to develop a special piece of armour: mook armour. this is the armour worn by the bulk of basic enemies in the game. whatever stats you come up with for mook armour, you’re going to be balancing the rest of your weapons against it. then, come up with at least three distinct weapons. make them as different as you can, while maintaining balance against mooks. the important thing here is testing your weapons against mooks. you should create a series of calculations in excel that demonstrate that your main weapons all do, on average, the same amount of damage against an enemy wearing mook armour. you will likely have to tweak your stats to achieve this balance. finally, come up with a couple more pieces of armour besides mook armour. you needn’t create spreadsheets about these, but discuss which of your three weapons will be more or less effective mdu113.3 extra info algorithms, statistical analysis and procedurality task v2_20180129 page 3 of 7 part 3 – procedural generation to keep things interesting on subsequent playthroughs, the creative lead has decided that the game ought to have randomly generated weapon and armour drops, as well as sometimes being equipped on special enemies. come up with a procedure to generate a random piece of armour and a random weapon, via random number generation. while these items do not need to be tested, you need to come up with some kind of system to stop hugely powerful items randomly dropping. to this end two systems must be implements: a rarity system – items that drop can be one of at least 4 rarities (see the appendix for examples of these). they should be created in such a way as the lowest rarity is less powerful than the one above, and so on. an item budget system – based on the rarity you should assign the item an item budget. this should be spent with some level of randomness (for example, one item may drop with agility while the next could have the stats split between fire resist and stamina), but should be spent to give consistency between items of the same tier. the procedural system should built so that the front page of your spreadsheet has a drop down to choose rarity, that then triggers one procedurally generated weapon and one procedurally generated piece of armour. finally, you must generate a name for both items. the generated name must be based on the rarity (this can be done by colouring the name) combined with all the stats, type and any other parts of the system you have built. any generated names must be appropriate for inclusion in a pg rated game. an example of a valid name would be: flaming poisoning raging great sword of doom you can do this however you want as long as the name is logical and takes all the aspects required to generate. mdu113.3 extra info algorithms, statistical analysis and procedurality task v2_20180129 page 4 of 7 ideas for naming convention: status effect – combining multiple effects into prefix. for example if the item had both a flame damage stat with a critical crit increase it could be written as ‘beserking’ combining level with other aspect – for example you could create a column for each material to give the impression of a higher quality material type based on the rarity. a common armour set could be ‘wolf hide’ while a higher rarity could be ‘studded draconic leather’. what to submit your submission for part one will consist of all the stats you’ve come up with for weapons and armour, and a brief description of what these stats do. you should also submit your equation/system for calculating damage, along with whatever description of how it works you deem necessary, and a brief explanation of why you made things work the way you did. for part two, you need to submit your mook armour stats, as well as your three weapons and their stats, and an excel spreadsheet (or similar) showing a simulation that demonstrates that over a large number of attacks, your weapons average the same damage against mook armour. you should also submit a discussion about what kinds of armour might exist besides mook armour, and which of your weapons would be strong or weak against those types of armour. for part three, submit the procedure for random weapons and random armour generation, as well as a few examples of items you’ve generated with this system. discuss why your system works the way it does, and what you’ve done to avoid broken items being generated. guidelines when coming up with your system, try not to make things too obvious. it’s a turn-based game, so the gameplay comes from deciding which weapon to use on a given enemy – don’t make this decision too easy. for instance, you can easily make a system where damage is elemental, and so fire and ice swords might do the same against mook armour but fire is more effective against grass armour. if this is the only difference between different weapons, it doesn’t give the player a very interesting choice. mdu113.3 extra info algorithms, statistical analysis and procedurality task v2_20180129 page 5 of 7 appendix armour must have attributes. the attributes (and their values) must be appropriate to the rarity of the item dropped. examples of what these could be are: ● dexterity - determines the critical hit chance of the player. ● strength - determines the base damage of the player. ● alertness - determines the dodge chance for of the player. ● armour - determines the base damage mitigation of the player. items can have a material, this is especially important for armour. an example of this is given here, the material changes how much of the item budget is spent on the stat ‘armour’: ● cloth - has a low-medium amount of damage reduction (5% of the budget must be assigned to armour). ● leather - has a medium amount of damage reduction (10% of the budget must be assigned to armour). ● metal - has a high amount of damage reduction (20% of the budget must be assigned to armour). the generated armour must have an associated quality. the quality must impact on the overall stat budget and the number of status effects that are present. an example of a rarity system could be: ● common - no stats, only armour ● uncommon - very low chance of one stat. ● rare - medium chance of one stat. ● epic - high chance of one stat. low chance of two stats. ● legendary - minimum of one stat. medium chance of two stats. low chance of three stats. ● artefact - minimum of two stats. medium chance of three stats. low chance of four stats. these different rarities will not be balanced against each other, but an artefact piece of armour should be balanced against an artefact weapon mdu113.3 extra info algorithms, statistical analysis and procedurality task v2_20180129 page 6 of 7 steps and tips 1. start with creating a system of stats. you should focus on: a. creating a set of stats that focus on offence b. creating a set of stats that focus on defence c. create a singular damage formula that simulates damage from one of these offence weapons to a defence item d. you must have a form of randomness in your weapon system e. this should all be listed on the front page of your spreadsheet 2. you are done with the first sheet maths, now create the documentation for this section. you should talk about the flavour, theme and other elements of the game that this system ties into, as well as how you expect it to work. 3. your next step should be to create the mook armour a. this armour should be as bland as possible 4. based off this mook armour, create three weapons that are unique but deal the same average damage to this armour a. you need to roll at least 100 attacks from these weapons on the mook armour weaponaccuracy),="" damage="weaponStrength" +="" d6="" –="" armourstrength="" otherwise="" damage="0" mdu113.3="" extra="" info="" algorithms,="" statistical="" analysis="" and="" procedurality="" task="" v2_20180129="" page="" 2="" of="" 7="" part="" 2="" –="" the="" items="" for="" this="" section,="" you’re="" going="" to="" need="" to="" come="" up="" with="" a="" few="" specific="" weapons="" and="" balance="" them.="" feel="" free="" to="" provide="" a="" description="" of="" these,="" but="" the="" important="" thing="" is="" the="" stats="" that="" go="" with="" each.="" first="" off,="" you’ll="" want="" to="" develop="" a="" special="" piece="" of="" armour:="" mook="" armour.="" this="" is="" the="" armour="" worn="" by="" the="" bulk="" of="" basic="" enemies="" in="" the="" game.="" whatever="" stats="" you="" come="" up="" with="" for="" mook="" armour,="" you’re="" going="" to="" be="" balancing="" the="" rest="" of="" your="" weapons="" against="" it.="" then,="" come="" up="" with="" at="" least="" three="" distinct="" weapons.="" make="" them="" as="" different="" as="" you="" can,="" while="" maintaining="" balance="" against="" mooks.="" the="" important="" thing="" here="" is="" testing="" your="" weapons="" against="" mooks.="" you="" should="" create="" a="" series="" of="" calculations="" in="" excel="" that="" demonstrate="" that="" your="" main="" weapons="" all="" do,="" on="" average,="" the="" same="" amount="" of="" damage="" against="" an="" enemy="" wearing="" mook="" armour.="" you="" will="" likely="" have="" to="" tweak="" your="" stats="" to="" achieve="" this="" balance.="" finally,="" come="" up="" with="" a="" couple="" more="" pieces="" of="" armour="" besides="" mook="" armour.="" you="" needn’t="" create="" spreadsheets="" about="" these,="" but="" discuss="" which="" of="" your="" three="" weapons="" will="" be="" more="" or="" less="" effective="" mdu113.3="" extra="" info="" algorithms,="" statistical="" analysis="" and="" procedurality="" task="" v2_20180129="" page="" 3="" of="" 7="" part="" 3="" –="" procedural="" generation="" to="" keep="" things="" interesting="" on="" subsequent="" playthroughs,="" the="" creative="" lead="" has="" decided="" that="" the="" game="" ought="" to="" have="" randomly="" generated="" weapon="" and="" armour="" drops,="" as="" well="" as="" sometimes="" being="" equipped="" on="" special="" enemies.="" come="" up="" with="" a="" procedure="" to="" generate="" a="" random="" piece="" of="" armour="" and="" a="" random="" weapon,="" via="" random="" number="" generation.="" while="" these="" items="" do="" not="" need="" to="" be="" tested,="" you="" need="" to="" come="" up="" with="" some="" kind="" of="" system="" to="" stop="" hugely="" powerful="" items="" randomly="" dropping.="" to="" this="" end="" two="" systems="" must="" be="" implements:="" a="" rarity="" system="" –="" items="" that="" drop="" can="" be="" one="" of="" at="" least="" 4="" rarities="" (see="" the="" appendix="" for="" examples="" of="" these).="" they="" should="" be="" created="" in="" such="" a="" way="" as="" the="" lowest="" rarity="" is="" less="" powerful="" than="" the="" one="" above,="" and="" so="" on.="" an="" item="" budget="" system="" –="" based="" on="" the="" rarity="" you="" should="" assign="" the="" item="" an="" item="" budget.="" this="" should="" be="" spent="" with="" some="" level="" of="" randomness="" (for="" example,="" one="" item="" may="" drop="" with="" agility="" while="" the="" next="" could="" have="" the="" stats="" split="" between="" fire="" resist="" and="" stamina),="" but="" should="" be="" spent="" to="" give="" consistency="" between="" items="" of="" the="" same="" tier.="" the="" procedural="" system="" should="" built="" so="" that="" the="" front="" page="" of="" your="" spreadsheet="" has="" a="" drop="" down="" to="" choose="" rarity,="" that="" then="" triggers="" one="" procedurally="" generated="" weapon="" and="" one="" procedurally="" generated="" piece="" of="" armour.="" finally,="" you="" must="" generate="" a="" name="" for="" both="" items.="" the="" generated="" name="" must="" be="" based="" on="" the="" rarity="" (this="" can="" be="" done="" by="" colouring="" the="" name)="" combined="" with="" all="" the="" stats,="" type="" and="" any="" other="" parts="" of="" the="" system="" you="" have="" built.="" any="" generated="" names="" must="" be="" appropriate="" for="" inclusion="" in="" a="" pg="" rated="" game.="" an="" example="" of="" a="" valid="" name="" would="" be:="" flaming="" poisoning="" raging="" great="" sword="" of="" doom="" you="" can="" do="" this="" however="" you="" want="" as="" long="" as="" the="" name="" is="" logical="" and="" takes="" all="" the="" aspects="" required="" to="" generate.="" mdu113.3="" extra="" info="" algorithms,="" statistical="" analysis="" and="" procedurality="" task="" v2_20180129="" page="" 4="" of="" 7="" ideas="" for="" naming="" convention:="" status="" effect="" –="" combining="" multiple="" effects="" into="" prefix.="" for="" example="" if="" the="" item="" had="" both="" a="" flame="" damage="" stat="" with="" a="" critical="" crit="" increase="" it="" could="" be="" written="" as="" ‘beserking’="" combining="" level="" with="" other="" aspect="" –="" for="" example="" you="" could="" create="" a="" column="" for="" each="" material="" to="" give="" the="" impression="" of="" a="" higher="" quality="" material="" type="" based="" on="" the="" rarity.="" a="" common="" armour="" set="" could="" be="" ‘wolf="" hide’="" while="" a="" higher="" rarity="" could="" be="" ‘studded="" draconic="" leather’.="" what="" to="" submit="" your="" submission="" for="" part="" one="" will="" consist="" of="" all="" the="" stats="" you’ve="" come="" up="" with="" for="" weapons="" and="" armour,="" and="" a="" brief="" description="" of="" what="" these="" stats="" do.="" you="" should="" also="" submit="" your="" equation/system="" for="" calculating="" damage,="" along="" with="" whatever="" description="" of="" how="" it="" works="" you="" deem="" necessary,="" and="" a="" brief="" explanation="" of="" why="" you="" made="" things="" work="" the="" way="" you="" did.="" for="" part="" two,="" you="" need="" to="" submit="" your="" mook="" armour="" stats,="" as="" well="" as="" your="" three="" weapons="" and="" their="" stats,="" and="" an="" excel="" spreadsheet="" (or="" similar)="" showing="" a="" simulation="" that="" demonstrates="" that="" over="" a="" large="" number="" of="" attacks,="" your="" weapons="" average="" the="" same="" damage="" against="" mook="" armour.="" you="" should="" also="" submit="" a="" discussion="" about="" what="" kinds="" of="" armour="" might="" exist="" besides="" mook="" armour,="" and="" which="" of="" your="" weapons="" would="" be="" strong="" or="" weak="" against="" those="" types="" of="" armour.="" for="" part="" three,="" submit="" the="" procedure="" for="" random="" weapons="" and="" random="" armour="" generation,="" as="" well="" as="" a="" few="" examples="" of="" items="" you’ve="" generated="" with="" this="" system.="" discuss="" why="" your="" system="" works="" the="" way="" it="" does,="" and="" what="" you’ve="" done="" to="" avoid="" broken="" items="" being="" generated.="" guidelines="" when="" coming="" up="" with="" your="" system,="" try="" not="" to="" make="" things="" too="" obvious.="" it’s="" a="" turn-based="" game,="" so="" the="" gameplay="" comes="" from="" deciding="" which="" weapon="" to="" use="" on="" a="" given="" enemy="" –="" don’t="" make="" this="" decision="" too="" easy.="" for="" instance,="" you="" can="" easily="" make="" a="" system="" where="" damage="" is="" elemental,="" and="" so="" fire="" and="" ice="" swords="" might="" do="" the="" same="" against="" mook="" armour="" but="" fire="" is="" more="" effective="" against="" grass="" armour.="" if="" this="" is="" the="" only="" difference="" between="" different="" weapons,="" it="" doesn’t="" give="" the="" player="" a="" very="" interesting="" choice.="" mdu113.3="" extra="" info="" algorithms,="" statistical="" analysis="" and="" procedurality="" task="" v2_20180129="" page="" 5="" of="" 7="" appendix="" armour="" must="" have="" attributes.="" the="" attributes="" (and="" their="" values)="" must="" be="" appropriate="" to="" the="" rarity="" of="" the="" item="" dropped.="" examples="" of="" what="" these="" could="" be="" are:="" ●="" dexterity="" -="" determines="" the="" critical="" hit="" chance="" of="" the="" player.="" ●="" strength="" -="" determines="" the="" base="" damage="" of="" the="" player.="" ●="" alertness="" -="" determines="" the="" dodge="" chance="" for="" of="" the="" player.="" ●="" armour="" -="" determines="" the="" base="" damage="" mitigation="" of="" the="" player.="" items="" can="" have="" a="" material,="" this="" is="" especially="" important="" for="" armour.="" an="" example="" of="" this="" is="" given="" here,="" the="" material="" changes="" how="" much="" of="" the="" item="" budget="" is="" spent="" on="" the="" stat="" ‘armour’:="" ●="" cloth="" -="" has="" a="" low-medium="" amount="" of="" damage="" reduction="" (5%="" of="" the="" budget="" must="" be="" assigned="" to="" armour).="" ●="" leather="" -="" has="" a="" medium="" amount="" of="" damage="" reduction="" (10%="" of="" the="" budget="" must="" be="" assigned="" to="" armour).="" ●="" metal="" -="" has="" a="" high="" amount="" of="" damage="" reduction="" (20%="" of="" the="" budget="" must="" be="" assigned="" to="" armour).="" the="" generated="" armour="" must="" have="" an="" associated="" quality.="" the="" quality="" must="" impact="" on="" the="" overall="" stat="" budget="" and="" the="" number="" of="" status="" effects="" that="" are="" present.="" an="" example="" of="" a="" rarity="" system="" could="" be:="" ●="" common="" -="" no="" stats,="" only="" armour="" ●="" uncommon="" -="" very="" low="" chance="" of="" one="" stat.="" ●="" rare="" -="" medium="" chance="" of="" one="" stat.="" ●="" epic="" -="" high="" chance="" of="" one="" stat.="" low="" chance="" of="" two="" stats.="" ●="" legendary="" -="" minimum="" of="" one="" stat.="" medium="" chance="" of="" two="" stats.="" low="" chance="" of="" three="" stats.="" ●="" artefact="" -="" minimum="" of="" two="" stats.="" medium="" chance="" of="" three="" stats.="" low="" chance="" of="" four="" stats.="" these="" different="" rarities="" will="" not="" be="" balanced="" against="" each="" other,="" but="" an="" artefact="" piece="" of="" armour="" should="" be="" balanced="" against="" an="" artefact="" weapon="" mdu113.3="" extra="" info="" algorithms,="" statistical="" analysis="" and="" procedurality="" task="" v2_20180129="" page="" 6="" of="" 7="" steps="" and="" tips="" 1.="" start="" with="" creating="" a="" system="" of="" stats.="" you="" should="" focus="" on:="" a.="" creating="" a="" set="" of="" stats="" that="" focus="" on="" offence="" b.="" creating="" a="" set="" of="" stats="" that="" focus="" on="" defence="" c.="" create="" a="" singular="" damage="" formula="" that="" simulates="" damage="" from="" one="" of="" these="" offence="" weapons="" to="" a="" defence="" item="" d.="" you="" must="" have="" a="" form="" of="" randomness="" in="" your="" weapon="" system="" e.="" this="" should="" all="" be="" listed="" on="" the="" front="" page="" of="" your="" spreadsheet="" 2.="" you="" are="" done="" with="" the="" first="" sheet="" maths,="" now="" create="" the="" documentation="" for="" this="" section.="" you="" should="" talk="" about="" the="" flavour,="" theme="" and="" other="" elements="" of="" the="" game="" that="" this="" system="" ties="" into,="" as="" well="" as="" how="" you="" expect="" it="" to="" work.="" 3.="" your="" next="" step="" should="" be="" to="" create="" the="" mook="" armour="" a.="" this="" armour="" should="" be="" as="" bland="" as="" possible="" 4.="" based="" off="" this="" mook="" armour,="" create="" three="" weapons="" that="" are="" unique="" but="" deal="" the="" same="" average="" damage="" to="" this="" armour="" a.="" you="" need="" to="" roll="" at="" least="" 100="" attacks="" from="" these="" weapons="" on="" the="" mook="">
Aug 24, 2020

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