Matt is working on his coin collection. He has a list Y of p mint-years and m coin types that are needed, and plans to find them in the "take a coin, leave a coin" trays in local stores. Matt's list...

Matt is working on his coin collection. He has a list Y of p mint-years and m coin types that are needed,<br>and plans to find them in the

Extracted text: Matt is working on his coin collection. He has a list Y of p mint-years and m coin types that are needed, and plans to find them in the "take a coin, leave a coin" trays in local stores. Matt's list has p years and for year k he needs Yki coins of type i to complete his collection. There are n trays in town t,...t, where tray t, contains t i-type coins. As not to upset the cashier, Matt can take at most 5% of the coins from a given tray. A) Describe how Ford Fulkerson could be applied to determine if Matt will be able to complete his collection. B) Prove correctness of algorithm supplied in part A C) Give the runtime complexity of the algorithm supplied in part A

Jun 11, 2022

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