MATLAB minesweeper function solBoard = markSquaresAdjTomines(solBoard) % Inputs: solBoard is a 2D array of integers in the range [0-9] & [11-13] % that represents the state of the player's board,...

MATLAB minesweeper

function solBoard = markSquaresAdjTomines(solBoard)

% Inputs: solBoard is a 2D array of integers in the range [0-9] & [11-13]

% that represents the state of the player's board, where

% 0: empty square

%1-8: Squares with digits 1 to 8

% 9: mine square

% 11: unrevealed square (square that is still flipped over)

% 12: flagged mine square (player thinks there is mine a this square)

% 13: exploded mine square (player picked a mine square)

% Returns: solBoard is MODIFIED so that all adjecent squares to the mine

% squares are marked with the correct digits b/n 1-8

function sol Board - marksquaresAdj ToMines (solBoard) Inputs: solBoard is a 2D array of integers in the range (0-9) 6 (11-13) that represents the state of the player's board, where 0: empty square 1-8: squares with digits 1 to 8 9:mine square 11: unrevealed square (square that is still flipped over) 12: flagged mine square (player thinks there is mine a this squa 13: exploded mine square (player picked a mine square) Returns: sol Board is MODIFIED so that all adjacent squares to the mine squares are marked with the correct digits b/n 1-8 Here is an example run of this function. Use this to test your function. >> sol Board solboard - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 >> solBoard - marksquaresAd ToMines (solBoard) solBoard - 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 The adjacent squares to the mines are updated to show a digit that shows how many mines are adjacent 0 1 0 1

May 19, 2022

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