Mathematica recognizes i as an empty list. Assign yourLastnameListl, yourlastnameList3, yourlastnamelists, and yourlastnamelistElse empty lists, and then append the smallest one hundred positive...

Mathematica recognizes i as an empty list. Assign yourLastnameListl, yourlastnameList3, yourlastnamelists, and yourlastnamelistElse empty lists, and then append the smallest one hundred positive integers according to the following rules (1) If the number yields the remainder 1 when it is divided 11, the number is appended to yourLastnameListl. If the number yields the remainder 3 when it is divided 11, the number is appended to (2) yourl astnameList3 (3) If the number yields the remainder 5 when it is divided 11, the number is appended to yourLastnameLists. (4) Otherwise, the number is appended to yourLastnameListElse

May 19, 2022

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