Match the specific phase of meiosis with the correct description. _____ Prophase I _____ Metaphase I _____ Anaphase I _____ Telophase I _____ Prophase II _____ Metaphase II _____ Anaphase II _____...

Match the specific phase of meiosis with the correct description.

_____ Prophase I

_____ Metaphase I

_____ Anaphase I

_____ Telophase I

_____ Prophase II

_____ Metaphase II

_____ Anaphase II

_____ Telophase II

a. Homologous chromosomes arrive at

opposite poles.

b. Homologous chromosomes line up.

c. Chromosomes line up at the equator.

d. Independent assortment occurs.

e. Separated sister chromatids arrive at

opposite poles.

f. Sister chromatids remain condensed.

g. Crossing over occurs.

h. Sister chromatids pull apart.

May 19, 2022

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