Match the following immunodeficiencies with their clinical manifestations:
ii. Bruton Disease
iii. DiGeorge Syndrome
iv. CVID
v. Isolated IgA deficiency
A. X-linked recessive defect that prevents B cells from producing normal immunoglobulin. Beginning at six months of age, patients present with a history of recurrent infections: bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, pharyngitis, and ear and GI infections, by organisms including staphylococcus, streptococcus, Haemophilus, parasites, and viruses.
B. Autosomal recessive defect that causes recurrent GI, sinus, and pulmonary infections in patients. Labs show low IgA.
C. Predominately unknown cause in which there are low levels or plasma antibodies.
D. Failure of embryonic thymus to form that causes T cell deficiency, while B cell immunity is unaffected. Patients suffer from viral, fungal, and protozoan infections, and may have abnormalities of the neck, face, ears, and heart.
E. Several inheritance patterns. Patients have dysfunction of both B and T cells. Patients must remain in isolation as they suffer from a wide range of infections, including Pneumocystis, Candida, and other opportunistic microbes.