Match the following anatomic locations to their characteristics below:
i. Cortex
ii. Nerve tracts
iii. Brain stem
iv. Midbrain
v. Pons
vi. Medulla oblongata
vii. Cerebellum
viii. Dura
ix. Arachnoid
x. Pia
xi. Falx cerebri
xii. Tentorium cerebelli
xiii. Choroid plexus
xiv. Arachnoid granulations
A. The innermost meningeal membrane
B. Uppermost part of the brain stem, important in eye movement and hearing
C. Responsible for carrying electrical signals between the brain and body
D. Lowest part of the brainstem, modulates heart rate and blood pressure
E. Responsible for absorbing CSF
F. Composed of the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata
G. Dura mater that encloses the superior sagittal sinus
H. Thick sheet of fibrous tissue stuck to skull and surrounding the spinal cord
I. Home to reasoning, emotion, voluntary motion, and speech
J. The dura separating the cerebral hemisphere from the cerebellum
K. Middle and largest part of the brain stem, important in respiration
L. Mediates balance, fine motor activity, and proprioceptive sense
M. Thin membrane between dura and subarachnoid space
N. Responsible for the production of CSF