MAT 143 Module Four Project: Exploring Bias Project Overview: Define and understand types of statistical bias. Create your own statistical study, then apply your knowledge and evaluate the study for...

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MAT 143 Module Four Project: Exploring Bias Project Overview: Define and understand types of statistical bias. Create your own statistical study, then apply your knowledge and evaluate the study for statistical bias. Course Learning Objective: Describe, analyze, and interpret statistical information such as graphs, tables, and summarized data to draw appropriate conclusions when presented with actual statistical studies. Introduction: There are many types of statistical bias that may occur in a study. Here is a list of nine types of statistical bias: · Self-selection bias · Social Desirability bias · Recall bias · Observer bias · Survivorship bias · Omitted variable bias · Cause-effect bias · Funding bias · Acquiescence Bias Part 1: Choose one type of statistical bias from the above list. Research this type of statistical bias, using at least two sources. Write a short essay which includes the following: · An introduction explaining the general concept of statistical bias. · At least one paragraph defining and describing the type of bias you chose to research. · At least 2 examples from your research of studies with the bias you have chosen to explore. · Proposals for eliminating this type of bias from the studies you cite as examples, if possible. If not possible to eliminate, explain why not. · A conclusion paragraph, in which you must decide whether it is always possible to avoid the type of bias you have chosen to research. If so, give ways it can be avoided, in general. If not always possible to avoid, explain why you have come to that decision. Be sure to list or cite your sources. Part 2: Create a hypothetical statistical study about any topic you find interesting and incorporate the type of statistical bias chosen in part 1. Note that you will not be required to actually carry out the study, so there is no need to worry about practical limitations such as traveling and expenses to conduct the work. Include the following in your answer for part 2: · Describe the topic you will study. · Clearly define your population and sample. · Explain the goal of the study, i.e. what you want to find out. · Describe the method you will use to conduct the study. Remember, this method should be flawed in some way to illustrate the type of statistical bias you have chosen. · Explain why/how your study is flawed and has bias. · Is it possible to eliminate the bias from your study? If so, describe how you would redesign the study to eliminate the bias. If not, explain why not.
Answered Same DayMay 08, 2021

Answer To: MAT 143 Module Four Project: Exploring Bias Project Overview: Define and understand types of...

Rahul answered on May 09 2021
144 Votes
Statistical_Bias/Study of Statistical Bias.docx
Study of Statistical Bias
Statistical Bias
Bias is defined as the favour or against of one thing as compared to other thing. For example, you get a chance to context the election for the president and your ideology is fully based on the pure save environment. You go to some region and
ask four people about the view what they want. All the four people say that they love meat and meat is good. That kind of information some time influence you and you totally become biased towards the meat which is generally against your ideology. So that kind of biasness came from the data or from the data which you gather from particular group. This type of bias is called as statistical bias.
Self- Selection Bias
It is one of the types of selection bias. In this when you are doing some analysis on the object and you said to object to select the data related to your analysis. In this kind of analysis, you will get specific type of the data and which will be specific maybe it can relate to the behaviour of the object though. It is like when participants choose to participate or not in the project.
Example of Self- Selection Bias
a. Choice of the Course in the College
Choosing the course in college is pure example of the self-selection bias. Because the selection of the course can depend on the difficulty level of the course and skill set of the student. Due to self-selection there are number of differences between the student who choose the subject or not. Let suppose the course is difficult the skill full student chooses the subject based on the skill and some other student do not want to choose the subject due to their skill and difficult of the subject. That difference in the dedication can not decide the course is good but based on number of students in the class is pure self-selection bias.
b. Polling and Surveying
If you use the surveys to find the successful entrepreneurs’ behaviour. There is lots of biasness related to this. Because most of the survey data will come from that people who consider them self-successful but not. We can see the self-selection of successful nature of the people will give the biased result.
Elimination of Self-Selection Bias
Slight modification in the research or study of the behaviour can eliminate the self-selection bias. If we take second example in which survey is conducted to find the behaviour of successful person. In the given survey if you only go to that person who is actually successful and get the data. Data will be small but by this modification you will obviously eliminate the consideration self-success. In this case you only contact to the successful person not the other who feel that they are successful but in actual they are not.
In the study mainly discussed about the statistical bias with example of president election. In which candidate change election campaign on the basis of specific data from the four people and took decision on the basis of that data. Self-selection bias which is one type of the statistical bias. Self-selection bias is mainly based on the behaviour of the object which select the data or from where sample data is taken and study the self-selection bias by two examples. After that see what kind of flaw occur due to the self-selection bias and how can it be eliminated. In the...

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