Marissa, an LPC starting a private practice in a new location, has an appointment with Doug, an 18-year-old college freshman who is grappling with his sexual orientation, and is considering telling...

Marissa, an LPC starting a private practice in a new location, has an appointment with Doug, an 18-year-old college freshman who is grappling with his sexual orientation, and is considering telling his parents that he is gay. Marissa holds certain conservative Christian beliefs about homosexuality being an “unacceptable lifestyle.” As far as she knows, she has never worked with, or even befriended, someone from the LGBT population. At first, she is concerned that her personal beliefs might interfere with her ability to work with Doug but, in the end, she decides to work with Doug for the following reason: to develop a greater client base, to help him make better choices, to gain greater experience helping this population, and to improve her “cultural competence.” She agrees to begin seeing him as a client, and immediately suggests that Doug tell his parents about his dilemma and solicit their support in helping him change. Doug does tell his parents about his sexual orientation. Unbeknownst to Marissa as she has worked with Doug for only a short time, Doug’s parents hold Marissa’s conservative beliefs about being gay, but unlike Marissa, they believe in “strong punishment for homosexual activity.” Doug’s parents reject him and order him out of their home, then and there, leaving Doug with nowhere to go.

1. In what ways could Marissa’s actions cause Doug harm?

2. What would you do differently, if anything, from what the counselor in this story did?

3. If you were a counselor stepping in to support Doug after this event, what would you need to do in your counseling sessions?

May 18, 2022

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