Many Americans know that something isn't working well in American health care, and many of them think that the problem is that doctors have lost control of the system. Many doctors believe this, too,...

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Many Americans know that something isn't working well in American health care, and many of them think that the problem is that doctors have lost control of the system. Many doctors believe this, too, and they often share that belief with their patients.

Write a post in which you explain why "putting doctors back in charge" (medical dominance) isnota good solution to problems facing American health care.

  • Identify and describe at least three major causes for the disintegration of medical dominance.

  • Explain why the disintegration of medical dominance has not produced a very good health care system,

Answered Same DayNov 20, 2021

Answer To: Many Americans know that something isn't working well in American health care, and many of them...

Akash answered on Nov 21 2021
149 Votes
Running Head: EXPOSITORY ESSAY        1
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Medical Dominance    3
Why Medical Dominance is not
a Good Solution to American Healthcare Problems    3
Three Major Causes for Disintegration of Medical Dominance    3
Reason for Disintegration of Medical Dominance not producing a Good Healthcare System    4
Conclusion    4
References    6
The present expository essay aims to expose the negative aspects of the concept of medical dominance that was quite prevalent in the yesteryears of America until it began deteriorating the healthcare scenario of the country. By identifying the reasons behind the same, the disadvantages of medical dominance would be explained in this essay.
Medical Dominance
Medical dominance was a commonly prevailing scenario of the post-World War II USA, wherein the doctors were considered as the supreme medical personnel with all the opinions in the medical decisions. As mentioned by Navarro (2019), they did not treat the other medical professionals such as the allied health professionals or paramedical professionals as their equals, which created not only, too much professional dissatisfaction amongst the latter, but also encroached them of their right to practice freely.
Why Medical Dominance is not a Good Solution to American Healthcare Problems
The US was facing an issue of medical discrepancies. Privatization of healthcare services has always been a vexing issue with the non-US inhabitants. To top it all, medical dominance took control over the decisions of the patients as in...

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