Make GUI java program calculator : Instructions : 1- Make the classes with their attributes, constructors(arg and no-arg) and methods(including accessors and mutators). 2- One of the classes should be...

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Make GUI java program calculator :

Instructions :

1- Make the classes with their attributes, constructors(arg and no-arg) and methods(including accessors and mutators).

2- One of the classes should be an interface, and another one should be an abstract class, and the rest are concrete classes.

3- The program should have default, protected and public methods, while all attributes must be private.

4- Relate the classes to each other using Aggregation and Generalization(Inheritance and Polymorphism) relationships.

5- The program should show at least two graphical windows including buttons, labels, text-fields, and images organized within the appropriate panes. The buttons must be active and do actions, and text-fields must include data read from a file with IOException being handled.

6- Draw uml class diagram for classes showing everything includes relationships.


1- Main class : Enter your name and age and height "cm" and weight "kg" and chose gender, all as main information , all the main methods be in main class

2- Bmi class :

Convert entered height "cm" to meter (cm/100)

to calculate this (height / weight2) = bmi

print name and age first then if the bmi between (18.5 – 25) print bmi number and "perfect body". If its less print "thin". If more print "fat".

3- BMR Class : to calculate

if Male BMR = 88.362 + (13.397 x weight in kg) + (4.799 x height in cm) - (5.677 x age in years)

If female: BMR = 447.593 + (9.247 x weight in kg) + (3.098 x height in cm) - (4.330 x age in years)

Print name and age + "Calories need per day" + the bmr number for the entered gender.

4- Protein Class : to calculate

Needs the BMR number. (BMR x 0.30 / 4) = protein

Print "the grams of protein you need per day is :" + Protein number.

5 - Gain class :

Take the bmi number

If it's less than 18.5

calculate : (bmr number x 0.2 + bmr number) = Gain calories

And calculate : ( protein number x 0.2 + protein number) = workout protein

Print "you need gain and workout, calories:" + Gain calories + " and protein: " + workout protein.

6 – Diet class :

Take the bmi number

If it's more than 25

calculate : (bmr number x 0.2 - bmr number) = Diet calories

And calculate : ( protein number x 0.2 + protein number) = workout protein

Print "you need to lose weight and workout, calories:" + Diet calories + " and protein:" + workout protein.

((If it's not less than 18.5 or more than 25 then just print " Continue as you are"))

Answered 2 days AfterApr 15, 2021

Answer To: Make GUI java program calculator : Instructions : 1- Make the classes with their attributes,...

Mohd answered on Apr 17 2021
151 Votes



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