Make a chart with 5 articles answering the provided question

Make a chart with 5 articles answering the provided question

Chart Instructions: · Locate evidence from appropriate primary and secondary sources to support AND refute your hypothesis or question. ODU Library searches of journal databases (CINAHL, PUBMED, PSYCHINFO, Cochrane), feedback from peer review, and hand searches of primary and secondary sources are good sources of information. · Choose a minimum of the 5 most promising articles.  At least 3 must be from primary sources, one a meta-analysis or systematic review, one a source of statistical information (WHO, CDC, Worldbank, CIA, etc.) and one text or source supporting your methodology in answering your research question. · RESEARCH QUESTION: HOW DOES CHOCOLATE AFFECT YOUR CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM? · Compose a literature review table using the sources.  Fill in the blanks of the literature review table, answering each question for all sources.
Jun 25, 2024

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