Main program file: public class BankAccountMainProgram { public static void main(String[] arguments) { // create three bank accounts BankAccount accountNum1 = new BankAccount(); BankAccount...

Main program file:

public class BankAccountMainProgram
  public static void main(String[] arguments)
    // create three bank accounts
   BankAccount accountNum1 = new BankAccount();
   BankAccount accountNum2 = new BankAccount(1233203, 105.51, "Betty");
   BankAccount accountNum3 = new BankAccount(6542345, 33.11, "Veronica");

   // Test the two String Method
   System.out.println("*** Does the toStringMethod work?");
   System.out.println("First account  : " + accountNum1);
   System.out.println("Second account : " + accountNum2);
   System.out.println("Third  account : " + accountNum3);

   // Do the get() method work?
   System.out.println("*** Does the get() methods work?");
   System.out.println(accountNum2.getName() + " has  $" + accountNum2.getBalance() +
                      " in account number " + accountNum2.getID() + ".");

   // Can we change the account name
    System.out.println("*** Does the set() methods work?");
    System.out.println("Second account Before : " + accountNum2);
    System.out.println("Second account After  : " + accountNum2);

   // Can we change the account name
    System.out.println("*** Does the changeBalance() methods work?");
    System.out.println("Third account Before : " + accountNum3);
    System.out.println("Third account After  : " + accountNum3);
    System.out.println("Third account After  : " + accountNum3);


Create a Bank Account class with the Main program file above.

Your Bank Account class should have the following

  • Fields

    • a Private ID  (int)

    • a private Name (String)

    • a private balance (double)

  • Methods

    • A default constructor

      • that sets the ID to 0

      • the balance to 0

      • the name to "unknown"

    • A full constructor

      • That accepts all three values and sets the values accordingly.

    • A to String() method

      • That returns a string in the format

      • Name [ID] = $balance

      • Example: Betty  [1233203]  = $105.51

    • getName()

    • getBalance()

    • getID()

      • These should just return the values with no changes.

    • setName()

      • This should change the name on the account, and only the name.

    • changeBalance(double x)

      • This should add the amount x to the balance.

      • if x is negative you still add it, but the balance should go down.

      • If the balance is negative, then set it to zero before finishing.

Jun 09, 2022

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