Main Dx: Imbalanced nutrition less than body requirements related to Lacto-Ovo vegetarian diet as evidenced by Lack of OBJECTIVES INTERVENTION RATIONALE (with intext citation. Author and year)...


Main Dx: Imbalanced nutrition<br>less than body requirements<br>related to Lacto-Ovo vegetarian<br>diet as evidenced by Lack of<br>OBJECTIVES<br>INTERVENTION<br>RATIONALE (with intext citation.<br>Author and year)<br>essential minerals & nutrients<br>(Iron, Zinc & Omega Fatty-acids)<br>3. The patient will be able to 3. The nurse will assess the patient<br>demonstrate behavior and lifestyle regarding her understanding of the<br>changes at the end of nursing shift. nutritional principles and the<br>psychological factor associated<br>with increased weight<br>4. The patient will verbalize the 4. The nurse will educate the<br>importance of nutrition to the body patient about the need for the<br>at the end of nursing shift.<br>nutrients such as iron, zinc, and<br>omega-3 fatty acids.<br>5. After 30 mins of nursing 5. The nurse will suggest alternate<br>intervention, the patient will plant-based foods that have these<br>enumerate the foods included in nutrients. (Iron, zinc, and omega-3<br>her diet.<br>fatty acids.)<br>

Extracted text: Main Dx: Imbalanced nutrition less than body requirements related to Lacto-Ovo vegetarian diet as evidenced by Lack of OBJECTIVES INTERVENTION RATIONALE (with intext citation. Author and year) essential minerals & nutrients (Iron, Zinc & Omega Fatty-acids) 3. The patient will be able to 3. The nurse will assess the patient demonstrate behavior and lifestyle regarding her understanding of the changes at the end of nursing shift. nutritional principles and the psychological factor associated with increased weight 4. The patient will verbalize the 4. The nurse will educate the importance of nutrition to the body patient about the need for the at the end of nursing shift. nutrients such as iron, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids. 5. After 30 mins of nursing 5. The nurse will suggest alternate intervention, the patient will plant-based foods that have these enumerate the foods included in nutrients. (Iron, zinc, and omega-3 her diet. fatty acids.)

Jun 08, 2022

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