Mail in this and all examinations promptly, as they are bornpletad. Theo start on the next lesson. 1. The relatived B amplitude responseo f an amplifier decreasesa t the rateo f 6 dB per octavea t...

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Mail in this and all examinations promptly, as they are bornpletad. Theo start on the next lesson. 1. The relatived B amplitude responseo f an amplifier decreasesa t the rateo f 6 dB per octavea t frequencieos ver 100k Hz. When the input t of this ampl i f ieri s exci tedb y a sinusoidavl ol tageo f 500 kHz and 3l l i ampl i tudel 0 v, the output ampl i tudei s measureda nd found to be 20 v. If the input voltage amplitude is now held constant and rhe f requencyis increasedto 2 MHz, what wi l l be the approximatea mpl i -tude of the output voltaee? (Hint: Topic 8-4, Eq. 8-52) (l) sv (s) 1.

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Mail in this and all examinations promptly, as they are bornpletad. start on Theo the next lesson. 1. The relative dB amplitude response of an amplifier decreases at the per rate of 6 dB octave at frequencies over 100 kHz. When the input tof this amplifier is excited by a sinusoidal voltage of 500 kHz and 3l li amplitude l0 v, the output amplitude is measured and found to be v. 20 If the input voltage amplitude is now held constant and rhe frequency is increased to 2 MHz, what will be the approximate ampli- tude of the output voltaee? (Hint: Topic 8-4, Eq. 8-52) (l) sv (3) 2v (s) 1.76 v (2) 3.33 v (4) 0.2 v 2. The current throueh an inductor (a) the voltase across it bv (b) (l) (a) Leads; (b) 45" (4) (a) Lags; (b) 90" (2) (a) Lags; (b) 4s" (5) (a) (b) Leads; 180" (3) (a) (b) Leads; 90" amplifier 3. An has a voltage gain of dB. the 60 tf input voltage to the amplifier is I mV, what is the output voltage? (l) 60 mv (3) 35.6 mv (s) 1v (2) 6l rnV (4) 2v 4. Determine the steady-state transfer function of the following trans- form transfer lurrction. G(s): #-f )<^r2><,.1>

Answered Same DayDec 21, 2021

Answer To: Mail in this and all examinations promptly, as they are bornpletad. Theo start on the next lesson....

Robert answered on Dec 21 2021
125 Votes
l . What is the
( t ) z(s) :
(2) z(s) :
(3) z(s) :
t ransform
impedance o f an uncharged capac i to r '?
(4) Z(r) : 9
Z(s) = RC
2. What is the t ransform impedance
( l ) Z (s ) : sZ
(2) Ztr) : #
(3) Z(r) : i
What is the t ransform impedance
Fig. E- I ?
of an unfluxed
(4) Z(s) =
(s) z(s) :
indu.ctor 'J
3. c i rcu i t o fa t te rmina lsaa' of the
2l l r
Fig . E- l
( t) z(s)
(2) z (s)
(3\ z(s)
() z(s)
(s) z(s)
Fis. E-2
t / C
s2 + s / l?C + I ILC
l+RCs+s 'LC
s l ,+R
s'LC + sRC + I
_ s + I IRLC
s2 + s/RL + LIC
4. The switch in the circuit of Fig. E-2 is closed at r = 0. Find the
Thevenin equivalent transform voltage Z (s) at terminals a - a' .
(4 ) V(s) = r "
t *
4s '+ J + l0
(5) V(s) = , ' t t
s '+25
(3) Z(s) = -.
tOt (Hint: Assume initial conditions to be
+s2 + 100 zero, use voltage divider rule, see 64)
5. For the circuit of Fig. E-3 determine an expression for ttre transform current
flowing through the resistor R. (Hint; Initial conditions : 0, write loop
equations for I, and 12 and solve using determinents)
Fi9. E-3
Sticky Note
Option 1 is correct
2I lu E (s)
soLzc + 2s2L - s + I IC
E (s)
L/Cs(r ' + 2 / LC)
LC(sz + s lC + I ILC)
(1) 1a(s) :
(2) /x(s) :
(3) /p(s) :
(4) /a(s) =
(5) ft(s) =
LC(s3 + Rs2 + s lC + RILC)
6. Deterrnine the Norton equivalent current source at terminals a -...

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