

MADHAV INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE, GWALIOR (A Govt. aided UGC Autonomous Institute Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal) EXAMINATION CELL Ref: Exam/2022/ 3a o+ Date 09.05.2022 NOTICE Sub: Exam Form Submission for CGPA Improvement for B.E./B. Tech. Students. As per the Ordinance of RGPV, Bhopal: 4.2 For the award of degree minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) required is 5.0. 4.5 Further, a candidate shall not be admitted in the Fifth or higher semester classes unless he/she has fully passed the first yeor examinotion with minimum of CGPA of 5.0. Likewise a candidate shall not be odmitted in Seventh or higher semester classes unless he/she has fully passed first and second year examinations with minimum CGPA of 5.0. 4.6 fa candidate has passed all the subjects of an applicable year but has failed to score a minimum CGPA of 5.0 as per the requirement of rule 4.2 and 4.5 above, sucha candidate shall be permitted to improve requisite grade point by reappearing in maximum of three theory/practical subjects, in the ensuing examination (theory ond practical of a subject shall be treated as seporate subjects)." Students whose CGPA is less than 5.00 as per the above, are required to apply in the attached form along with examination fee of Rs. 950/- (Rupees Nine Hundred Fifty only). The examination application form completed in all respect should submitted in examination section by 11th May 2022. (Dr. P.K. Singhal) Controller (Exams) Copy to: 1. The Director Office 2. The Dean Academic 3. All HODs 4. Institute Website. Madhav inslilute of Technology G Science, Gwalior (N AUIONOMOUS INSUUION, ESTD I1 195/) ArTLIATED 10 RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYoGIKI VISVn VID YALAY BHIOPAL (UNIVERSITY OF IECHNOLOGY Of MADIIY PRADESH EIMINTONLPRUCATONEORMM VNo Dste REGULAR OR EX UGIPCFTDG nstrctions 1 h5liaraiion I oini s 1oul bo fila n by ln candidale: n h4 her 0 n tistif ry Usa Capitall ettes in Bee 3. I applcat'on Is not on presclbed hum1 or mcomplete, Il ill be rejocted A lfit pas3port slze phioto sEMESTER 2 HRANCNw DiaICH coor S STATUS Regilar. X hat is oppt cat)6 UE OF DEGREE| . Nam of Cxaminco ('arn in Cngish, 6houl Ie as per mat-siocl of qualilying cxan.) AME SURLE Hind. Pre sent Ment:on subjed (Theory&Piactcal of fresent Semester In wtich appeanig wlth Code No.) Suding in.. Smester I Year: AlN T1beorPrac.t/ Sasgional_ PRACIIAl. TUEORY S. Sutia Gofe_ Tide of lWie Subject SSijct Title of Uie Subject No Goge 1 Vwhether 3ppe uing in any other Previous (0as) Somester suthijacts. Il yes menton subje ct and seme sler in boxes baie* 1 (A) SEMESTER (0) STMESTER Suiject T Sthct1/ Code Title of te Subject Tithe ol tie Su'j t Cna Madhav Institute of Technology& Science. Gwalio (AN AUTONOMOUS INSTITUTION. ESTD IN 1957 EXAMINATION ADMIT CARD (EAC) Status REGULAR EX Roll No Enrolment No. Slo/D/o. . o the Please admit Mr./Ms. ...... In the examination to be held in (Month).. ************** ... in the following subjeC SemeSer TiCk) udect CourseSubject Title Theory Pracucal No Code Signature of the Candid Signature/Seal of Examination Supat 12 13 AMa passpon s2e pho1C Roil No Hol Nu & Snynatufe
May 09, 2022

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