Macroeconomics and Direct Lending in Market Operations
Since February 2008 the Fed has been supplementing its openmarket operations with a greatly expanded program of direct lending (bothovernight and short term 28 and 84 day loans) to commercial banks andcommercial bank holding companies It also initiated a program to buycommercial paper from money market funds
A) Explain how this expanded Federal Reserve lending andcommercial paper purchases affect supply and demand conditions in the Federalfunds market
B) As conditions in short term financial markets haveimproved the volume of funds lent under these programs by the Fed has decreasedfrom a high of 15 trillion to about 600 billion outstanding However, the Fedhas increased substantially its purchases of longer term mortgage backedsecurities and treasury notes from banks Thus, bank reserves are still vastlyhigher than then they were a year ago at this time Why has this huge increasein reserves not touched off a surge in inflation?
C) Once economic conditions improve and lender & borrowerconfidence levels start to return to normal how will the Fedâs ability to payinterest on bankâs reserve deposits help it prevent a sharp, inflationary, risein the growth of lending and spending?
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