Literature review for spam email filter withharvard referencing style

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Literature review for spam email filter withharvard referencing style
Answered Same DayMay 11, 2021

Answer To: Literature review for spam email filter withharvard referencing style

Nishtha answered on May 13 2021
146 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Literature Review for Spam Email Filter    3
Summary and Conclusion    5
References    6
It is an option available in the email where all the unwanted and uninvited emails were s
top and it is all collect in folder called in spam folder. Sometimes, virus infested mails also get into spam option in e-mails. Spam filter detect all these unwanted mails and stop it to enter into the primary mail. Spam filters applied to both inbound and outbound email. Spam filters use heuristics methods. It uses predefined algorithm and accordingly separate the spam mails and primary mail in email.
Literature Review for Spam Email Filter
Spams are quite disturbing aspect of electronic mailing or abbreviated as emailing. The source by Smith et al. (2018) has therefore, suggested a way to filter this spam out of the email, which includes the use of a computer-implemented method. The method used in this take ranking of persons and accordingly determine a respective marks for each of the persons, each person have some previous sent message to the user and this score eventually help each person. When the user move and get at least one message from the folder, score will go up. A study by Rusland et al. (2017) explains about the filtering algorithm that, some email not be able to detect the correct unwanted or spam mail, that mail can be useful to the user but labelled as spam, that happened because of error presence. This research paper mainly focuses on the algorithm called as Naïve Bayes, which is commonly, use machined learning. It check algorithm feasibility and how error free results it give to the user
As supported by Christina, Karpagavalli and Suganya (2010), spam filters instrument can be execute at all layers. This study focused on the integrated anti-spam and anti-virus solution, which helps in the email network protection at primary level. Firewalls also present for the protection of e-mail server. This paper focuses on the process of MDA (mail delivery agent) that act as a spam filter and performs all the function and services to the user. On the other hand, as argued by Bhuiyan et al. (2018), various email spamming filter method such as clustering, heuristic method, knowledge base method and so on can also be used for filtering the spam mail. This paper focuses different filtering method of machine learning technique. For Example, SVM, k-Nearest, Naïve Bayes, Neighbor Bayes, Regression Analysis, KNN Tree Approaches are critically evaluated. It presents machine learning different approaches by following the process of classification, analysis and comparison to get the outcome, which approach is most feasible.
Similarly, Wakchaure et al. (2017) have observed that spam-reduction techniques have advanced by passing years as spam volume has increased in modern days. The paper emphasizes that no one...

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