Extracted text: Linear Probing – Analysis -- Example What is the average number of probes for a successful search and an unsuccessful search for this hash table? - Hash Function: h(x) x mod 11 Successful Search: - 20: 9 -- 30: 8 -- 2: 2 -- 13: 2, 3 -- 25: 3,4 9. 1 2 24: 2,3,4,5 10: 10 9: 9,10, 0 -- -- 3 13 Avg. Probe for SS (1+1+1+2+2+4+1+3)/8=15/8 %3D 4 25 Unsuccessful Search: - We assume that the hash function uniformly 5 24 distributes the keys. 0: 0,1 4: 4,5,6 - 5: 5,6 - 6: 6 -7:7 -- 8: 8,9,10,0,1 6. 1:1 -- 2: 2,3,4,5,6 3: 3,4,5,6 7 -- -- 8 30 9: 9,10,0,1 -- 10: 10,0,1 - 9 20 Avg. Probe for US = (2+1+5+4+3+2+1+1+5+4+3)/11=31/11 %3D 10 10 2.