2:09pmApr 1 at 2:09pm
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Posttest Only Design
This is where the analysis of the data is done at the end of the experiment “post” conducting it. This allows more control and reliability of the experiment, having the ability to change controls at the end. An example of this would be to collect a random sample of horses and divide them into two groups. Group X gets wormer Group Y gets a placebo. Once they have given the paste to both groups then they analyze the results of the experiment. Who has worms and who doesn’t? Based on what they were given. Maybe they both do not because wormer can cause resistance in the immune system.
Pretest-Posttest Design
In Cozby & Bates, 2017 pretest-posttest analyzes the results before and after the experiment takes place. The researcher will normally measure the behaviors of the horses (continuing my example) health of their coat, or whatever is being tested. In this case, does worming the horses actually have an impact on their overall health. Then after the baseline is the measure they will implement a treatment regimen to test the results against. That way they can determine if the experiment was successful or not in producing the desired outcome.
Advantages & Disadvantages
As with anything, there are always plus and minus to different types of designs. Posttest-only is an advantage when the researcher does not have much knowledge to start off with. Whereas it is also limited with the scope and is full of potential credibility concerns.
With pretest, it is able to test the subjects before the experiment is conducted which always there to be more accurate in the results. It allows researchers to go back and compare results to the start to answer questions.
In conclusion, they both have their strengths and weaknesses. Depending on the type of result they are looking for will vary the design they use.
Cozby, P. & Bates, S. (2017).Methods in behavioral research (13th ed). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
8:13pmApr 1 at 8:13pm
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Target population: College students ages 18-25
The experimental group will be afforded access to educational resources, professors, advisorsand other assets conducive to their learning and development on a college campus.
The control group will be treated as students have previously with limited resources and limited accessibility due to athletic scheduling and time restraints.
The dependent variable would be measured based on the student successin academics, graduation and post graduation results. Afterhaving been afforded the opportunity to utilize those resources,measurements incontrasttostudents who did not have the same accessibilityshould differ greatly.
Target population: College students ages 18-25
The experimental group will be afforded access to educational resources, professors, advisorsand other assets conducive to their learning and development on a college campus.
The control group will be treated as students have previously with limited resources and limited accessibility due to athletic scheduling and time restraints.
The independent group is provided insight into each institution interested in providing a scholarship to the student so that they can make a sound decision about accessibility to education and resources as well as preliminary schedulingfor best possible outcomes.
The dependent variable would be measured based on the student successin academics, graduation and post graduation results. Afterhaving been afforded the opportunity to utilize those resources,measurements incontrasttostudents who did not have the same accessibilityshould differ greatly.
In order to appropriately measure the difference me in this study there just be a distinction in treatment, resources and insight provided. Being as though some students are provided additional assistance when signed in to an institution it is imperative that the distinction is made in order for improvement and reform to take place in the benefit of the students.
The validity of the post test can be compromised by an enlarged or unequal amount of participants. This would provide a false sense of success in one area or the other should numbers not match, jarring the results of the measurements.The pretest -posttest can be compromised only if completed incorrectly, if there is any an equal amount of participants in each group or if participants aren’t forthcoming with results. Random assignments allow for genuine and unbiased findings as the participant is unable to prepare. The advantage of using an independent groups is to provide a balance to the study and its perspective on having or not having resources, assistance or guidance.
Cozby, P. & Bates, S. (2017).Methods in behavioral research (13th ed). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill..