Let (J be the (unknown) total number of cars that will be sold in a given year, and let a be the total number that will be produced. Each car that is sold results in a profit of $500, while each car...

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Let (J be the (unknown) total number of cars that will be sold in a given year, and let a be the total number that will be produced. Each car that is sold results in a profit of $500, while each car that is not sold results in a loss of $1000. Assuming a linear utility, show that the regret loss for the problem (see Subsection 2.4.1) is a linear loss.

Answered 144 days AfterMay 22, 2022

Answer To: Let (J be the (unknown) total number of cars that will be sold in a given year, and let a be the...

Rhea answered on Oct 14 2022
63 Votes
Let (J be the (unknown) total number of cars that will be sold in a given year, and let a be the total number that will be produced. Each car that is sold results in a profit of $500, while each car that is not sold results in a loss of $1000. Assuming a linear utility, show that the regret loss for...

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