Let a graph have vertices ?,?,?,?,?,?H,I,J,K,L,M and edge set {{?,?},{?,?},{?,?},{?,?},{?,?},{?,?},{?,?},{?,?}}{{H,I},{H,K},{I,J},{I,L},{J,K},{J,M},{K,M},{L,M}}. a. What is the degree of vertex ?H ?...

Let a graph have vertices ?,?,?,?,?,?H,I,J,K,L,M and edge set {{?,?},{?,?},{?,?},{?,?},{?,?},{?,?},{?,?},{?,?}}{{H,I},{H,K},{I,J},{I,L},{J,K},{J,M},{K,M},{L,M}}.

a. What is the degree of vertex ?H ?

b. What is the degree of vertex ?J?

c. How many components does the graph have?

Jun 09, 2022

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