Lesson 4 discussion board with students
When you reply to two other students, be sure you are adding information to their posts--not just saying "Good job." Three or more sentences of substantial new content are expected.
student 1 discussion
Biomedical equipment
Biomedical equipment is needed for patient care. These items such as an x-ray machine, EKG machine, and endoscope or urine analyzer aid doctors in determining the diagnosis of the patient and help aid decisions or provide options for treatment.
Record keeping and maintenance of these items are important for the safety of the patient and the financial impact of the office. Record keeping includes having a copy of the instruction manual, this should include regular maintenance, serial numbers, manufacturing numbers, etc., you should also have any product warranties, purchase receipts and ordering information including parts and services.
Maintenance of the equipment should be documented and have a routine maintenance schedule per the manufacturer instructions / manual. Documentation would include, the schedule, contact information on who is preforming the maintenance, and logged date/time/signature and completion of the maintenance, as well as any sequential work done. Equipment deemed un-operational should be flagged with “not in service” or “do not use” with documentation of the issue / problem and notify / contact the repair person as soon as possible.
2nd students discussion
Capital Equipment
Capital equipment can be a healthcare device anywhere between $500.00 to $5,000.000 depending on the “preset mark” of the hospital. Because this equipment is so costly. It is important to perform any required maintenance for longevity of the healthcare device. It is just as important to keep records of when it is last updated, fixed, or inspected. Staying on top of this can prevents delay in duties of the healthcare device, especially at a time when it is crucially needed by a patient, also preventing any consequences if the healthcare device were to malfunction. Having the equipment maintained helps keep up the workflow.
Juhas, C. (n.d.). 5 Characteristics of Capital Medical Equipment. Retrieved November 02, 2020, from https://blog.cmecorp.com/5-characteristics-of-capital-equipment
Says:, S. (n.d.). Electronic Health Reporter. Retrieved November 02, 2020, from https://electronichealthreporter.com/the-importance-of-equipment-efficiency-for-the-healthcare-sector/