(Lesile) topic: Perceptions and Models of Auditing Auditing in diverse stage of growth ensuing development and accountability Contemporary Auditing Connection of accountability to small and big...

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(Lesile) topic:Perceptions and Models of Auditing

Auditing in diverse stage of growth ensuing development and accountability

Contemporary Auditing

Connection of accountability to small and big businesses

The Condition of community accountability

Audit creates a financial or communal profit.

Audit entails freedom and self-determination.


Section One: Title, aims, objectives

Title or working title of project (in the form of a question, objective or hypothesis)

Project aims and objectives (e.g. what do you wish to achieve? What do you want to learn to do? What do you want to find out?)

Section Two: Reasons for choosing this project

Reasons for choosing the project (e.g. links to other subjects you are studying, personal interest, future plans, knowledge/skills you want to improve, why you feel the topic is important)

Section Three: Precedents and sources

Use of key literature sources and precedents to support your project objectives

Section Four: Activities and timescales

Activities to be carried out during the project

How long this will take?

Development and analysis of ideas

Writing proposal & ethics form

Writing literature review

Writing methodology

Data collection and analysis

Writing Discussion and conclusion

Milestone one:

Milestone one target date (set by tutor):

Answered 3 days AfterMay 04, 2021

Answer To: (Lesile) topic: Perceptions and Models of Auditing Auditing in diverse stage of growth ensuing...

Abhishek answered on May 08 2021
151 Votes
Table of Contents
Section One: Title, Aims and Objectives    3
Title    3
Project Aims    3
Objectives    3
Section Two: Reasons for Choosing this Project    3
Reason 1: Concepts Studied    3
Management Auditing    3
Financial Auditing    3
Change Management    4
Organisational Development    4
Change Leadership    4
Reason 2: Personal Interest    5
Reason 3: Future Plans    5
son 4: Skills Needed to be Improved    6
Communication Skills    6
Cultural Diversity Skills    6
Management Skills    6
Leadership Skills    6
Auditing Skills    6
Lean Management Skills    7
Risk Assessment Skills    7
Reason 5: Significance of the Topic    7
Section Three: Precedents and Sources    8
Section Four: Activities and Timelines    8
References    9
Section One: Title, Aims and Objectives
What are the Impacts and Perceptions of Models of Auditing on Organisational Change Management?
Project Aims
I want to learn about the perceptions, that is, to understand about the various models of auditing that are required in changing the organisation’s management. I also want to find out about the impacts that the various models of auditing would have on the organisational change management.
· To identify the perceptions of models of auditing on organisational change management.
· To analyse the impacts of models of auditing on organisational change management.
· To evaluate the negative impacts of models of auditing on organisational change management
· To recommend suitable strategies in order to improve the perceptions and impacts of models of auditing on organisational change management.
Section Two: Reasons for Choosing this Project
Reason 1: Concepts Studied
I have studied about five concepts and the things I have learned are given below as follows:
Management Auditing
Management Auditing is a sequential analysis that evaluates a company’s overall performances and activities (Eltweri et al. 2020). I learned that it is a form of audit, which reviews and examines the different strategies and policies of the management based on certain objectives. It recommends change in policies in the interests of shareholders, employees, company’s reputation and customers’ needs. The aim of management audit is to calculate the effectiveness of the company and execute the principles and policies. The management audit locates and examines the differences and provides appropriate recommendations. Thus, I understood that it has a huge role in organisational change management.
Financial Auditing
Financial auditing refers to the accounting process, which presents the actual amount of the business transactions of a company (Knechel, Thomas and Driskill, 2020). In financial auditing, I collected data from company’s tax returns, balance sheets, income documents and billing invoices. I also gathered data from the organisation's reporting and control systems. When the company undergoes any change within itself then the financial auditing would also change because the company's control and reporting system would be modified.
Change Management
Change management involves techniques, in which an organisation undergoes changes in both internal and external processes (Galli, 2018). I recognised that the companies that have effective communication skills could easily adapt to change management. I realised that there are four principles in change management. Those four are as follows:
· Understand the change
· Plan the change
· Implement the change
· Communicate the change
For organisational change, every company needs to adapt to change management since it reduces the risks, which are associated with introduction of new elements and modifications of pre-existing elements.
Organisational Development
Organisational development is a systematic scientific change, which helps the companies to attain their capability to change (Kafile, 2018). Through this, an organisation could achieve more effectiveness by evolving, upgrading and supporting the strategies, structures and processes. There are seven stages in organisational development, which are given below:
· Initial Diagnosis
· Data Collection
· Data Feedback
· Planning Strategy
· Intervention
· Team Building
· Evaluation

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