(Lesile) topic:
Perceptions and Models of AuditingAuditing in diverse stage of growth ensuing development and accountability
Contemporary Auditing
Connection of accountability to small and big businesses
The Condition of community accountability
Audit creates a financial or communal profit.
Audit entails freedom and self-determination.
Section One: Title, aims, objectives
Title or working title of project (in the form of a question, objective or hypothesis)
Project aims and objectives (e.g. what do you wish to achieve? What do you want to learn to do? What do you want to find out?)
Section Two: Reasons for choosing this project
Reasons for choosing the project (e.g. links to other subjects you are studying, personal interest, future plans, knowledge/skills you want to improve, why you feel the topic is important)
Section Three: Precedents and sources
Use of key literature sources and precedents to support your project objectives
Section Four: Activities and timescales
Activities to be carried out during the project
How long this will take?
Development and analysis of ideas
Writing proposal & ethics form
Writing literature review
Writing methodology
Data collection and analysis
Writing Discussion and conclusion
Milestone one:
Milestone one target date (set by tutor):