Learning Outcomes Assignment (Modules 1-3)In case you have to log into the:https://farmingdale.open.suny.edu/webapps/login/?action=reloginUsername:taoyPW: Taoaili321My Farmingdale -> My Courses ->GEO325Learning Modules 1-3 & Discussion Boards 1-3
In each module, specific Learning Objectives were provided in the Modules-at-a-Glance. Using these as guideposts, please summarize the major themes covered in the virtual forums. Begin with a short one-paragraph introduction, then for each of the first three DBs, write a single paragraph that explains the major issues covered in the forum. High scores will require students to specifically reference their peers' work and the assigned readings (e.g., "In DB-2, John S. argued that ..."; According to Martin, ..."; "In my main assignment, I stated that..."). In the context of "Lessons Learned," you will also need to include an additional paragraph covering THREE (3) points which you feel added to your understanding of the impact of globalization on contemporary society. Choose those themes you felt to be noteworthy, enlightening, interesting, or controversial. Lastly, you should then provide a conclusion which discusses how the textbook, lectures, and any other assigned readings/documents/images supported your learning outcomes. Your submission should be between 1,000 and 1,500 words.
Details on grading criteria are given in rubrics below:
1) Synthesis of concepts and cogency of analysis: The response refers to the readings and shows a clear understanding of main ideas, people, places, and issues covered in the course. There are no irrelevant comments, inconsistencies, and the information is on point. Ideas are clearly and properly organized. Course terminology/concepts are correctly employed.
2) Application of personal experience and intellectual abilities: The response provides personal examples, critical thinking, online research, illuminating points, etc. that tie in with the course material being discussed. Insight is provided to some concept.
3) Quality of writing and use of the English language: The writing is grammatically correct, clear, and concise. The response is well formulated and easy to read and to understand.
4) Use of sources and proper citation style: The response satisfies the requirements regarding use of the course texts, as well as online sources not assigned by the professor. The citation style adheres to Chicago/Turabian norms and is verifiable.