Learn C# beginner programming - Simple code - Im stuck on the Date format. Im creating a int for 142021 and a string for the month name.
Efficiently create your codes to display the correct formatted output below.
1. The program CANNOT have literal(s) within the method invocation operator for Write and WriteLine.
2. Except for the date (the last line), each output line is a string that will be assigned to a variable.
3. For the last output, you must use a numerical variable for the day and year.
4. Can only have ONE variable of each data type declared in the entire program.
5. No additional libraries are allowed.
6. Use standard variable naming convention.
Should look like this:
CSC240-0XX February 14, 2021 "/>
Extracted text: Your C# script must run. Note: XX' represents your section. "My First Program" by CSC240-0XX February 14, 2021