Language: JAVA Script Write a recursive function called 'shortestToLongest' which takes an array of lowercase strings and returns them sorted from shortest to longest. Strings of equal length should...

Language: JAVA Script

Write a recursive function called 'shortestToLongest' which takes an array of lowercase strings and returns them sorted from shortest to longest.

Strings of equal length should be sorted alphabetically.

(Hint: stri

Your function should accept a default argument called 'sorted' which holds the currently sorted elements. Each recursive step should add the shortest string in the strings array to the end of 'sorted'.

// Examples:

// Sorts strings from shortest to longest
let strings1 = ["abc", "de", " ", "f", "ghijk", "Imno"]
shortestToLongest (strings1);
// [' ', 'f', 'de', 'abc', 'lmno', 'ghijk']

// Accepts a pre-sorted default parameter

let strings2 = ["pomegranate", "persimmon", "peach"]; let sorted ["pea", "pear"];
shortestToLongest (strings2, sorted);
// ['pea", "pear', 'peach', 'persimmon', 'pomegranate']

// Sorts strings of the same length alphabetically
let strings3 = ["dog", "cat", "elephant", "ant", "pig","emu"];
shortestToLongest (strings3);
// ['ant', 'cat', 'dog', 'emu', 'pig', 'elephant']


function shortestToLongest(strings, sorted [ ]) {

// Your code here

// 1. Find the shortest string in the strings` array

// 2. Remove the shortest string from the strings array

// 3. Push the shortest string to the back of the 'sorted array

// 4. Recurse until the strings array is empty (base case)

Jun 08, 2022

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