Knock in spark-ignition engines is an abnormal wmbustion condition. Almost everyone who rides a motorcycle or drives a car experiences this phenomenon at some time and usually changing into a lower gear will take the engine away from this condition. Use your experience of what changes in other variables do, and consult this and other textbooks to complete a table with the dependent variables shown at the to^ of the columns. The independent variables are: speed, compression ratio, chamber surface/ volume ratio, spark plug distance from cylinder axis, percent EGR, inlet mixture temperature, inlet mixture pressure, (F/A), wall temperature, air swirl, squish motion, fuel octane number. In these columns show the corresponding irduence on the dependent variables by a " + " for an increase and a " - " for a decrease. Show the effect of increase in engine system independent variables on: cylinder pressure and temperature, flame speed, total burn time, autoignition induction period, tendency to knock. Provide in the extreme right-hand column brief comments to explain your answers.
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