VaVdsfanuatu cyclones and earthquake
1 HSH102 Disease Prevention and Control AT3 Guidelines Assignment title AT3: Written report – DCP in emergency contexts Assignment Question / Task: Explore and discuss DPC in relation to an emergency context case study. Purpose: Completing this assessment task will enable you to develop an applied understanding of disease prevention and control contexts, issues and frameworks in relation to an emergency context case study, which could be generalised to a broader understanding of disease prevention and control strategies in other emergency contexts. Please refer to the Unit Guide for the Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs) and Graduate Learning Outcomes(GLOs) you are developing and evidencing in this assignment. Weighting: 40% Word limit: 1500 words (+/- 10%) The word limit includes all information presented in the body of the report (e.g. any headings, sub-headings, information, in-text citations, tables, figures, graphs, etc.). The word limit excludes the cover page and final reference list. Due date: Friday, 26th May (week 11 of the trimester) Due time: 8.00pm AEST Location: Assignment dropbox on CloudDeakin unit site Format: MS Word or PDF PDF conversion software is available here on Deakin Software Catalogue Referencing: APA7 2 Topic background: Emergency situations present unique contexts and challenges for disease causation, prevention and control. The varied health and social consequences of emergency situations tend to impact most heavily on populations who already experience some level of vulnerability. This was explored through learning resources and activities in the unit, particularly over weeks 7-9. This task enables you to explore these concepts of vulnerability and disease risk, prevention and control in emergency situations in further depth. This task build on concepts explored in throughout the trimester, including the various dimensions of DPC, but with a particular emphasis on knowledges, concepts and skills covered in weeks 7-10 of the trimester, to explore and discuss DPC in an emergency context. Assignment Task: The task will involve researching and discussing key concepts in the context of an emergency situation case study. Choose one case study from the list of options: • Black summer bushfires (Victoria, Australia; November 2019 – January 2020) • Hunga-Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano eruption and tsunami (Tonga, January 2022) • Vanuatu cyclones and earthquake (Vanuatu, March 1 – 4, 2023) • NSW (Australia) flood event (14th September 2022 – 9th March 2023) Explore and discuss DPC in the context of your chosen case study, by researching and responding: 1. Describe the context of the event (approx. 100 - 150 words) Tips to consider: - Set the scene. Briefly state which case study you are discussing, and provide a brief overview of the event (e.g. time, setting, significance of the event – e.g. magnitude of impacts such as total morbidity or mortality, or economic or social costs, etc.). - You should cite at least two credible references in your description. 2. Which population group(s) are particularly vulnerable to negative health/disease impacts of this event, and why (why/what factors contributed to their heightened vulnerability)? (approx. 250 – 300 words) Tips to consider: - Consider and identify in the range of 2-3 population group in the context who may be particularly vulnerable to health impacts of the event. - It may be useful to consider: o the various types of vulnerability (e.g. inherent, pathogenic, situational, structural, etc.) relevant to each group, discussed in week 7 content and seminar activities. o the various dimensions of contributing factors, such as biological factors, environmental factors, social factors, etc. which may contribute to the vulnerability of each group. - Make sure you explain factors contributing to vulnerability for each population group you identified. - You should cite at least three credible references to support your discussion. 3 3. What are three disease risks or outcomes for the vulnerable population group(s) arising from the emergency? (approx. 300 words) Tips to consider: - Discuss at least one disease impact for each vulnerable group you have identified. - The disease risks/outcomes you discuss do not need to relate to all the population groups you identified; indeed, they may not. Different groups can experience different disease risks/outcomes. - Thus, be sure to identify which group(s) the disease impacts you are discussing specifically relate to (i.e. be specific in your discussion about which group(s) a particular disease impact is relevant to). - Demonstrate consideration of breadth and diversity in disease impacts: o Consider physical and mental health/disease risks/outcomes. o Consider different time frames: short-term/immediate, medium-term, long-term disease impacts. - Explain the links between the event and the disease risks/outcomes. i.e. don’t just state the name of a disease, but explain why/how your chosen emergency situation contributes to the disease risk/outcome. - Case study examples from week 9 may help you to think broadly about disease impacts. - You should use at least one credible reference for each example. 4. The Australian Government’s National Disaster Management and Recovery Continuum (NDMRC) is applied to the management of emergencies in Australia, as well as for guiding Australia’s response to international events. It outlines seven phases of crisis management and recovery: i. prevention measures ii. preparedness arrangements iii. response actions iv. relief v. recovery vi. reconstruction vii. risk reduction (For more information and a description of each phase, see Section 4, pp. 11 of the Australian Government Crisis Management Framework v3.1, 2021 in your week 8 Cloud content and seminar activity). Identify two actions that have been implemented to prevent or control disease for vulnerable groups related to your case study context. Describe each action, and discuss which aspects of the NDMRC each fits with. (approx. 200-250 words). Tips to consider: - The actions do not need to have been implemented by the Australian government; they may have been implemented by the national or local government in Tonga or Vanuatu in those case studies, for example; or an non-government organisation (NGO). However, you still need to identify which areas of the NDMRC framework the action relates to, and discuss the link, in order to demonstrate applied understanding of key DPC frameworks. - In describing each action, you should briefly describe the action, who implemented it, and who it was targeted at. - You should include at least one credible reference for each action. 4 5. Consider the emerging issues and challenges to contemporary DPC, listed in week 10 of the trimester. Discuss one which you consider to be a great threat or challenge to DPC in the future. (approx. 500 words). (Or you may consider an alternative emerging issue/challenge; please check and confirm with your tutor first if you wish to discuss a different topic, to ensure suitability). Tips to consider: - In your discussion, consider the following: o The context and extent of the issue – i.e. is it a threat/challenge on a global scale, or in an Australian context specifically, etc. o Explanation of why this is a challenge/threat for DPC (e.g. what are the potential impacts for DPC among particular groups, related to this issue) o Any relevant legal/ethical/social/political, etc. issues or contentions associated with the issue. o Any other relevant information to describe the issue as a threat/challenge. o Justify your discussion and arguments with credible evidence. At least three credible sources would be expected. Instructions for writing this assessment task: • The information should be presented in the form of a report of 1500 words (+/- 10%, excluding final reference list). • Please include a separate cover/title page with the name/topic of your plan, your name, student number and word count. • You do not need to include an additional separate introduction or conclusion. • You can use sub-headings to enhance the clarity and readability of the information. • You should write the report in third-person (i.e. avoid first-person language such as, ‘I’, ‘my’, ‘me’, etc.) • You need at least six separate credible sources/references to meet the minimum standard. The same reference can be cited more than once/in multiple sections if relevant. • You MUST ensure you paraphrase information when using it from another source, and cite the reference for the original source; or provide appropriate quotation punctuation, citation and referencing. Refer to the Deakin Guide to Referencing for more support. • Please run your work through Turnitin for a plagiarism check prior to submitting. • Please check your work for spelling, grammar, punctuation and formatting. • Please use a conventional font. Fonts such as Calibri, Arial or Times New Roman are recommended, as is 1.5 line spacing. • You must include in-text citations in APA7 format in the body of the report. • A full reference list in APA7 style should be included on a separate page. 5 Assignment help Academic Skills Skills for study – Deakin library Referencing Guide – see APA7 Extensions and Special Consideration: Refer to the Unit Guide for information about: • Extension to Submission Dates • Late Submission of Assessment Tasks • Special Consideration Instructions 1. Choose your topic As you have learnt throughout this unit, contemporary families face a number of challenges. Choose ONE of the following challenges/issues to research for this assessment task: · · THE IMPACT OF GAMBLING ADDICTION AND PROBLEM GAMBLING ON FAMILIES · EMPLOYMENT CHANGES AND WORK - FAMILY BALANCE IN A POST PANDEMIC WORLD 2. Research In preparing your assessment, you should draw on contemporary (e.g., published in the last 10 years) and relevant literature. This can include the readings from the unit (excluding recording notes); peer-reviewed journal articles; textbooks; statistical information from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Institute of Family Studies (e.g., National Framework for Protecting Australia's Children) or Australian Institute of Health and Welfare; government reports; or other online materials from credible sources (.gov, .org or .edu sites, but do not use .net or .com sites). It is recommended you have at least 10-12 references for this assessment task. You put all your references on the one ‘Reference’ page at the end of the assignment (as per the APA7 referencing). 3. Prepare your report Your written response needs to include the following: A. Introduction You need to include an introduction (approximately 100 words) that includes a brief statement to set the context and identifies what your assessment will cover in terms of the overview of the challenge/issue, the health impacts, the influence of other settings families engage with and recommendations. This acts to 'signpost' to your reader what content will follow in your response. B. Overview of the challenge/issue This section (approximately 150 words) builds on your introduction to provide more context for your assessment. You need to describe the challenge/issue (e.g., How is it defined?) and outline how common it is among Australian families using current statistics (e.g., from the Australian Bureau of Statistics or Australian Institute of Health and Welfare). C. Health impacts of the challenge/issue You will need to explain four health impacts (approximately 150 words per health impact for a total of 600 words) this challenge/issue has on family members (e.g., parents and/or children). You might discuss impacts in terms of physical, mental, social or financial health. In this section, you need to include current information, but you can draw on both Australian and international literature. D. Influence of other settings families engage with Briefly describe Bronfenbrenner's bioecological model (approximately 50 words). Use Bronfenbrenner's bioecological model to analyse three additional settings (e.g., beyond the immediate family) (approximately 150 words per setting for a total of 450 words) that may influence a family's experience of this challenge/issue. In analysing each of the three settings, you need to explain how each one might affect the family's experience either positively or negatively. Examples of settings you might like to consider include children's day care/school or peer relationships, extended family, parents' workplace or even engagement in the legal system. Note that you do not need to discuss settings from every layer of the model. Instead, this section requires you to select the three most relevant settings in respect to your challenge/issue. Remember that you must substantiate all statements by citing their source (e.g., reports, peer-reviewed journal articles, online materials etc.). You can draw on both Australian and international literature. E. Recommended strategies to manage the challenge/issue You need to briefly identify three clear strategies (approximately 50 words each) families could adopt to reduce the impacts of this challenge/issue. These recommendations should be supported by references. F. Conclusion You should include a conclusion (approximately 100 words) that summarises the main points