Just give code with comments : Write a set of static methods, to make console input simpler. Consider the only console input method using the Scanner class is inputString(), shown below ; include in...

Just give code with comments :
Write a set of static methods, to make console input simpler. Consider the only console input method using the Scanner class is inputString(),
shown below; include in your solution. This means you are not permitted to use the Scanner class in any of your methods.

public static String inputString ()
Scanner scan = new Scanner (System.in); // attach to console
return ( scan.next() ); // return next string from input console stream

of calling and testing this method in your main():
String str = inputString(); // get input from console, assign to str
displayln ("Input A is: " + str); // display input string
displayln ("Input B is: " + inputString() ); // get input and display
Implement the following static methods, and include statements to test each (such as the example abobe).

Input method headers:

- public static int inputInt () – inputs an int from the consle
- public static double inputDouble () – inputs a double from the console
- public static char inputChar () – inputs a single char (character) from the console
- public static boolean inputBool () – inputs a boolean values (true, false)
Combo prompt & input method headers:
- public static int inputInt (String prompt) – displays the prompt to the console, and inputs an int
- public static int inputDouble (String prompt) – displays the prompt to the console, and inputs a double


double val = inputDouble ("Enter a value: "); // display prompt ("Enter a value" and get input
displayln ("Input C is: " + val); // display input value


- don't forget the String methods, and wrapper class methods (Integer.parseInt(), Double.parseDouble(), … ) to convert from String to other data types
- apply the concept of overloading, and that the methods can call inputString(), or each other, to reduce repeating code


- include a call for each method in your main() method and display the inputted value; capture all that is displayed on the console (both related output. user input)

Jun 09, 2022

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