J.R., age 17, has a compound fracture of the femur and is undergoing surgical repair.
1. Describe a compound fracture.
2. Give several reasons why it is important in this case to have immobilized the femur well before transporting J.R. to the hospital.
3. Explain why there is an increased risk of osteomyelitis in this case.
4. Explain why there is severe pain with this type of fracture. The day after surgery J.R.’s toes were numb and cold.
5. Explain the possible causes of the cold, numb toes.
6. Explain why appropriate exercise is important during healing of the fracture.
7. List four factors that would promote healing of this fracture.
8. Explain why the leg should be elevated during recovery.
9. Explain why, following the removal of the cast, J.R. can expect to feel some weakness and stiffness in the leg.