JAVA write grading program for a class with the following grading policies. thers a total of 2 quizzes, each graded on the basis of 10 points. theeres is 1 midterm exam and one final exam, each graded...

JAVA write grading program for a class with the following grading policies.

  1. thers a total of 2 quizzes, each graded on the basis of 10 points.

  2. theeres  is 1 midterm exam and one final exam, each graded on the basis of 100 points.

  3. final exam counts for 50% of the grade, the midterm counts for 25%, and the 2 quizzes together count for a total of 25%. (Do not forget to normalize the quiz scores.)

letter grade will be given based on the following criterion:

90 – 100  A

80 – 89    B

70 – 79    C

60 – 69    D

0 – 59      E

          program will read student’s scores from a txf file, save them in an arrayor arrays), process the arrays),  print the student’s record, which consists of the name, 2 quiz and 2 exam scores as well along with students avg numscore for the course and final letter rade.

      please noteAll the scores are integers and a student name consists of no more than 10 characters. justify output file

Jun 08, 2022

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