Java programming of image processing
Microsoft Word - ImageBlending Image Blending CIS*6320 — Assignment 1 Due: 11:00 PM, February 20, 2022 Objectives: In this assignment you will implement the three image blending algorithms: feathering, Laplacian pyramid blending, and Poisson image editing. The goal is to give you a further understanding of these techniques, as well as to observe the pros and cons of different approaches. Your Task: Your task is to implement the three photo blending approaches discussed in the class. You are also required to display intermediate calculation results, such as the Laplacian pyramids for the source images, and the image Laplacians of source images used for Poisson image editing. In addition, when the “Pyramid Blending” button is clicked, you need to show the blending results at different low-level scales on the left canvas and the final result on the right canvas. When “Poisson Blending” is clicked, you need to display the desired Laplacian on the left canvas and the result of Poisson equation solving on the right canvas. Output of the skeletal program Getting Started: A skeletal program is supplied to get you started, which you are required to use as the basis of your solution. To simplify your task, the weight maps are generated through distance transform and provided for you. To run the program, put these test images (photo1, photo2, weight1, weight2) in the same folder. The program opens a window and displays the test images. The program also provides required buttons. Output of a sample solution Grading: Your program will be compiled, tested, and graded under the Java Standard Edition platform. You may be asked to provide demo or explanation for your implementation. The grade will be based on your program’s functionality (whether or not it works under different settings), as well as the efficiency of your implementation. The weights for different components are as follows: Correct results for feathering 20% Laplacian pyramids calculation and display 10% Correct results for Laplacian pyramid blending at different scales 20% Image Laplacians calculated for source images 10% The desired Laplacian computed using weight maps 10% Poisson editing results through solving Poisson equation 30% What and How to Hand in: You are handing in the source of your program, as well as any data files required for running your program. Your source code must contain sufficient internal documentation to facilitate grading. This includes your name, student number, a brief description of what the program does, and a listing of known bugs, if any, at the top of the file. Send in your source program through the CourseLink Dropbox. No late submission is allowed.