representing the list of Dodecahedron objects. These parameters should be used to assign the fields described above (instance variables).
(3) Methods:
The methods for DodecahedronList are described below.
o getName: Returns a String representing the name of the list.
o numberOfDodecahedrons: Returns an int representing the number of Dodecahedron objects in the DodecahedronList.
o totalSurfaceArea: Returns a double representing the total surface areas for all Dodecahedron objects in the list.
o totalVolume: Returns a double representing the total volumes for all Dodecahedron objects in the list.
o averageSurfaceArea: Returns a double representing the average surface area for all Dodecahedron objects in the list.
o averageVolume: Returns a double representing the average volume for all Dodecahedron objects in the list.
o averageSurfaceToVolumeRatio: Returns a double representing the average surface to volume ratio for all Dodecahedron objects in the list.
o toString: Returns a String (does not begin with \n) containing the name of the list followed by each Dodecahedron in the ArrayList. In the process of creating the return result, this toString() method should include a while loop that calls the toString() method for each Dodecahedron object in the list (adding a \n before and after each). Be sure to include appropriate newline escape sequences.
o summaryInfo: Returns a String (does not begin with \n) containing the name of the list (which can change depending of the value read from the file) followed by various summary items: number of Dodecahedrons, total surface area, total volume, average surface area, average volume, and average surface to volume ratio. Use "#,##0.0##" as the pattern to format the double values.
This is the code I have written for the first part of the program called, I am requesting help with the second part that is described above.
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
public class Dodecahedron
private String label = "";
private String color = "";
private double edge = 0;
public Dodecahedron(String labelIn, String colorIn, double edgeIn)
public String getLabel()
return label;
public boolean setLabel(String labelIn)
boolean isSetLabel = false;
if (labelIn != null)
label = labelIn.trim();
isSetLabel = true;
return isSetLabel;
public String getColor()
return color;
public boolean setColor(String colorIn)
boolean isSetColor = false;
if (colorIn != null)
color = colorIn.trim();
isSetColor = true;
return isSetColor;
public double getEdge()
return edge;
public boolean setEdge(double edgeIn)
boolean isSetEdge = false;
if (edgeIn > 0)
edge = edgeIn;
isSetEdge = true;
return isSetEdge;
public double surfaceArea()
double a = (3 * Math.sqrt(25 + 10 * Math.sqrt(5)) * Math.pow(edge, 2));
return a;
public double volume()
double v = (15 + 7 * Math.sqrt(5)) / 4 * Math.pow(edge, 3);
return v;
public double surfaceToVolumeRatio()
double s = surfaceArea() / volume();
return s;
public String toString()
DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.0##");
String output = "Dodecahedron \"" + label + "\" is \"" + color
+ "\" with 30 edges of length " + edge + " units.\n";
output += "\tsurface area = " + fmt.format(surfaceArea())
+ " square units \n";
output += "\tvolume = " + fmt.format(volume()) + " cubic units\n";
output += "\tsurface/volume ratio = "
+ fmt.format(surfaceToVolumeRatio());
return output;