Dont use others answers please!!
follow the directions on the photo
complete all of them please!!
will leave you feedback!!
Thank you!
1, Show the LinkedtStackADT interface
2. Create a LinkedStackDS with the following methods: default constructor, overloaded constructor, copy constructor, isEmptyStack, push, peek, pop
3. Create a private inner StackNode class with the following methods: default constructor, overloaded constructor, toString
3. Exception classes: StackException, StackUnderflowException,
4. Create a PalindromeDemo class that instantiates a LinkedStackDS object. Execute a do-while loop that asks the user using dialog boxes to “Input a String for Palindrome Test:” Use the replaceAll method to remove all blanks and special characters from testStr. Output whether or not it is a palindrome in a dialog box. [Use the 5 inputs given on the other handout sheet for testing.]
Extracted text: 3. A palindrome is a string that reads the same forward and backward, i.e., the letters are the same whether you read them from right to left or from left to right. Examples: a) radar → is a palindrome b) Able was I ere I saw Elba → is a palindrome c) good > not a palindrome Write a java program to read a line of text and tell if the line is a palindrome. Use a stack to read each non-blank character on a stack. Treat both upper-case and lower-case version of the letter as being the same character. - Provide these 5 sample outputs and tell if each is a palindrome or not. Too bad--I hid a boot Some men interpret eight memos "Go Hang a Salami! I'm a Lasagna Hog" (title of a book on palindromes by Jon Agee, 1991) A man, a plan, a canal–Panama Gateman sees my name, garageman sees name tag