JAVA Create a simple sequential-access file-processing program. This program should open the file provided in Blackboard. Read and display the grade information for each student. The program should...

JAVA Create a simple sequential-access file-processing program. This program should open the file provided in Blackboard. Read and display the grade information for each student. The program should also display the class average.

Enter the name of the file containing the student records: students.txt

Student ID          First Name Last Name        Grade

1                               Suzy        Green            88.60

2                                  Jessica     Purple           98.30

3                                  Paul        Orange           75.90

Class average is: 87.60


// Coding Exercise 2: This program test class Read Text File.public class Read Text File Test{   public static void main( String args[] )   {   Read Text File application = new Read Text File();       application. Open File();      application .read Records();      application. Close File();   } // end main} // end class Read Text File Test


// Coding Exercise 2: This program reads a text file and displays each record and // displays the class average.import java .io .File;import java .io .File Not Found Exception;import java .lang. Illegal State Exception;import java  .until .No Such Element Exception;import java. Until public class Read Text File{   private Scanner input;

// enable user to open file   public void open File()   {      try      {         Scanner temp Scanner = new Scanner( System. in );         System. out. print ln(             "Enter the name of the file containing the student records:" );         String file Name = temp Scanner .next Line();         input = new Scanner( new File( file Name ) );      } // end try      catch ( File Not Found Exception file Not Found Exception )      {         System. err. print ln( "Error opening file." );         System. exit( 1 );      } // end catch   } // end method open File     // read record from file   public void read Records()   {      // object to be written to screen      Student record = new Student();

double total = 0; // stores total of all grades      int grade Counter = 0; // counts grades input       System .out. print f( "\n%-12s%-12s%-12s%10s\n", "Student ID",         "First Name", "Last Name", "Grade" );        try // read records from file using Scanner object      {         while ( input .has Next() )         {            Record .set Student ID( input. Next Int() ); // read account number            Record .set First Name( input .next() ); // read first name            Record .set Last Name( input .next() ); // read last name            Record .set Grade( input .next Double() ); // read balance            // display record contents                 System. Out .print f( "%-12d%-12s%-12s%10.2f\n",

record. Get Student ID(), record .get First Name(),               record .get Last Name(), record. Get Grade() );

++grade Counter;            total += record. Get Grade();         } // end while          System. out. print f(            "\n Class average is: %.2f\n", ( total / grade Counter ) );      } // end try      catch ( No Such Element Exception element Exception )      {         System. err.  Print ln( "File improperly formed." );         input. close();         System .exit( 1 );      } // end catch      catch ( Illegal State Exception state Exception )      {         System err. Print ln( "Error reading from file." );         System .exit( 1 );      } // end  catch   } // end method read Records    // close file and terminate application   public void close File()   {      if ( input != null )         input .close(); // close file   } // end method close File} // end class Read Text File


// Coding Exercise 1: A class that represents one record of student information. public class Student{   private int student ID;   private String first Name;   private String last Name;   private double grade;      // no-argument constructor calls other constructor with default values   public Student()    {      this( 0, "", "", 0.0 ); // call four-argument constructor   } // end no-argument Student constructor     // initialize a record   public Student( int id, String first, String last, double grade )   {      Set Student ID( id );      set First Name( first );      set Last Name( last );      set Grade( grade );   } // end four-argument Student constructor    // set student ID number      public void set Student ID( int id )   {      Student ID = id;   } // end method set Student ID    // get student ID number      public int get Student ID()    {       return student ID;    } // end method get Student ID      // set first name      public void set First Name( String first )   {      First Name = first;   } // end method set First Name    // get first name      public String get First Name()    {       return first Name;    } // end method get First Name      // set last name      public void set Last Name( String last )   {      Last Name = last;   } // end method set Last Name    // get last name      public String get Last Name()    {      return last Name;    } // end method get Last Name      // set grade     public void set Grade( double grade Value )   {      grade = grade Value;   } // end method set Grade    // get grade      public double get Grade()    {       return grade;    } // end method get Grade} // end class Student


1 Suzy Green 88.602 Jessica Purple 98.303 Paul Orange 75.90

How do I fix it to get that output?

May 19, 2022

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