Semester |
Sex |
Age |
Are you a student Athlete |
Study effectively on your own. |
Produce your best work on tests and exams. |
Respond to questions asked by a instructor in front of a full class. |
Manage your work load to meet due dates and deadlines |
Give a presentation to a small group of fellow students. |
Attend all class sessions. |
Get good grades on assignments. |
Engage in helpful academic discussions with your peers. |
Feel comfortable asking instructors questions about the material they are teaching, in a one-to-one setting. |
Feel comfortable asking professors questions during class about the material they are teaching. |
Understand the material outlined and discussed with you by your professors. |
Follow the topics and discussions in classes. |
Prepare thoroughly for class. |
Read the recommended background material. |
Produce coursework at the expected standard for college. |
Write in an appropriate academic style. |
Ask for help if you don't understand. |
Be on time for class. |
Make the most of this opportunity to get your degree. |
Pass all your classes. |
Plan appropriate schedules to get your work done. |
Remain adequately motivated throughout the semester. |
Produce your best work on your assignments. |
Attend all class sessions |