Jasmone, C11H16O, a valuable intermediate in the fine chemical industry, is obtained from the jasmine plant. A common method of manufacture is to extract the plant material in water, and then use benzene to concentrate the jasmone in a simple liquid–liquid extraction process. Jasmone (species A) is 170 times more soluble in benzene than in water; thus,
In a proposed extraction unit, the benzene phase is well mixed, with the film mass-transfer coefficient, k’L
kg mol/ m2
s (kg mol/m3) and the aqueous phase is also well mixed with its film mass-transfer coefficient, k”L
kg mol/m2
s (kg mol/m3). Determine
a. the overall liquid coefficient, K’L, based on the benzene side;
b. the overall liquid coefficient, K”L
, based on the aqueous side;
c. the percent resistance to mass transfer encountered in the aqueous liquid film.